1. Biden Must Clarify Stance on Netanyahu's Visit Amid Controversy

2. Former US Ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, urges President Biden to articulate his position regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit. Biden's previous comments sparked criticism from conservatives, suggesting Netanyahu may be prolonging the conflict with Hamas for political gains.

1.  Biden Must Clarify Stance on Netanyahu's Visit Amid Controversy

Former US Ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, has joined 'Fox News Live' to discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. President Biden has faced criticism from conservatives on social media for an interview where he appeared to agree with the premise that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his political self-preservation.

In an interview with Time magazine, Biden was asked if he believed Netanyahu was prolonging the war for political reasons. Biden responded, "I'm not going to comment on that. There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion."

1.  Biden Must Clarify Stance on Netanyahu's Visit Amid Controversy

Biden's response drew immediate negative reactions from many on social media. The Spectator editor Stephen L. Miller posted, "Biden tells Israel to wait, sends Blinken to work with Qatar and Egypt. Builds a broken pier in Gaza Israel agrees. Biden now accuses Israel of prolonging a war it didn't start. Straight up incompetent evil. An actual Political sociopath."

Fox News contributor Guy Benson posted, "Biden has been incoherently pressuring Israel not to finish the job for months & ‘there is every reason for people’ to draw the conclusion that it’s been for Biden’s own political self-preservation. How soon will Biden demand Israel not defend itself against the attacks in the north?"

1.  Biden Must Clarify Stance on Netanyahu's Visit Amid Controversy

GOP Sen. Ted Cruz posted, "A disgusting lie. Tragically, the Biden White House is the most anti-Israel WH in history. Is there even a single Dem who will denounce Biden’s slander?"

Former Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, responded to the interview by saying, "The interview is an inappropriate attack on the political system in Israel. The U.S. should not interfere in what is happening in Israeli politics."

1.  Biden Must Clarify Stance on Netanyahu's Visit Amid Controversy

Biden later appeared to walk back his comment when asked if Netanyahu is "playing politics" with the war. Biden said, "I don't think so. He's trying to work out a serious problem he has."

Jeffrey emphasized the importance for Biden to make his position clear on Netanyahu's visit, stating, "I think it's important for Biden to make his position clear. He's going to have to deal with Netanyahu in the coming weeks and months. And it's important for him to make it clear what his expectations are."

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has escalated in recent days, and it is unclear when or how it will end. Jeffrey urged the Biden administration to take a more active role in achieving a ceasefire. He said, "The Biden administration needs to be more actively involved in getting a ceasefire. They need to be working with the Israelis, the Palestinians, and the Egyptians to try to get a ceasefire as soon as possible."

Jeffrey also highlighted the need for a long-term solution to the conflict. He said, "We need to find a way to get to a two-state solution. That's the only way to achieve lasting peace in the region."