98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

Marion County Record co-owner Joan Meyer passed away the day following a raid on her home and office by local police in connection with an investigation that was later dropped by prosecutors. A video shows Meyer confronting officers during the raid, demanding that they leave her property.

A heartbreaking incident has unfolded in Marion County, Kansas, where a 98-year-old newspaper co-owner died the day after her home was raided by local police. Joan Meyer, a longtime resident and pillar of the community, passed away on August 13, 2023, following a search of her home and the offices of the Marion County Record, where she worked alongside her son, Eric Meyer. The raid, which was later deemed questionable by prosecutors, has sparked outrage and raised concerns about potential First Amendment violations.

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

On August 12, 2023, officers from the Marion County Sheriff's Office, led by then-Police Chief Gideon Cody, executed a search warrant at Meyer's home and the newspaper's offices. The warrant was obtained to investigate allegations of identity theft and unlawfully accessing a computer in connection with a news story that the Marion County Record had been pursuing. However, the allegations against the newspaper and its journalists later proved to be unfounded.

Home security video captured Meyer's confrontation with officers during the raid. In the footage, she can be seen demanding that they leave her property, stating that they had no right to be there. Meyer's determined resistance to the intrusion is a testament to her unwavering belief in her rights and her determination to protect her home.

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

The search warrants were subsequently withdrawn by prosecutors, who determined that Cody had not provided sufficient evidence to obtain them properly. This revelation raises questions about the legality of the raid and the motives behind it.

Meyer's son, Eric, alleges that the stress caused by the raid contributed to his mother's death. He has since filed a lawsuit against the city and other officials, including Cody, for violating the newspaper's First Amendment rights. The tragic loss of Meyer has cast a shadow over the community and raised concerns about the potential consequences of police overreach.

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

Following an independent investigation, special prosecutors revealed plans to charge Cody, who resigned last year, with interfering in the judicial process. The investigation concluded that neither the newspaper nor its journalists had committed any crimes before they were raided. The special prosecutors' report also found that the raid likely played a role in Meyer's death, but the officers who conducted it were not criminally responsible.

Prior to the raid, journalists at the Marion County Record had looked into allegations that a local candy shop owner had driven a car while her license was suspended for a prior DUI. However, the paper had not published a story on the matter, citing potential conflicts of interest. The fact that journalists were being targeted for investigating a potential story further raises concerns about threats to press freedom.

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

The Marion County Record has filed a lawsuit against the city and other officials, including Cody, the mayor, and the county sheriff, alleging First Amendment violations. The lawsuit seeks damages for the alleged misconduct of the officers and the emotional distress caused to Meyer and her family. The case is expected to proceed through the legal system in the coming months.

Separately, a state panel has cleared the magistrate judge who initially signed the search warrants. The panel found that the judge had not acted inappropriately and had relied on the information provided by Cody when issuing the warrants.

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

98-Year-Old Kansas Woman Dies Day After Police Raid on Home, Warrants Later Dropped

The death of Joan Meyer and the questionable raid on the Marion County Record have sent shockwaves through the community and the journalism industry. The allegations of First Amendment violations and the ongoing investigations raise important questions about police overreach and the protection of press freedom. The outcome of the lawsuit and the criminal charges against Cody will be closely watched as the community seeks justice for Meyer and accountability for those responsible.