A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for "Dates

Mannetta Braunstein, who worked closely with Dr. Herb Baumeister Sr. for a decade, remembers conversations hinting at her colleague's deep concern about his son, Herb Baumeister Jr., the notorious serial killer. One incident that stood out was the son's purchase of a used hearse, raising questions about his intentions.

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

Mannetta Braunstein, a medical professional who worked with Dr. Herb Baumeister Sr. for several years, has shared her recollections of conversations that shed light on the troubled relationship between Baumeister Sr. and his son, Herb Baumeister Jr.

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

According to Braunstein, who assisted Baumeister Sr. in the surgical department of Indiana hospitals from 1966 to 1976, the elder Baumeister was a "gentleman" who showed her kindness and concern. However, she couldn't help but notice hints of unease in Baumeister Sr. as he discussed his son.

One particular conversation that Braunstein recalls vividly involved Baumeister Jr.'s purchase of a used hearse around 1970. She remembers Baumeister Sr.'s puzzled expression and slight concern about his son's choice of vehicle. According to Braunstein, Baumeister Jr. claimed he needed the hearse "to pick up women for dates."

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

"I could tell it bothered him," Braunstein said. "But we left it at that."

In retrospect, Braunstein can't help but wonder if the hearse was a foreshadowing of Baumeister Jr.'s sinister intentions. She also mentioned other potential red flags that she noticed at the time, including Baumeister Jr.'s lack of friends, struggles in school, and odd behavior.

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

"He flunked out of college after one semester," Braunstein said. "And it's as if he (Baumeister Jr.) didn't want to bother (with school)."

Braunstein herself met Baumeister Jr. once, describing him as "polite, courteous, and nice-looking." However, she admits that it's difficult to reconcile that image with the horrific crimes he later committed.

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

"It's hard to get my mind wrapped around something like this, even after all these years," Braunstein said. "He was just a kind person, and it's hard to imagine his son being able to do these incredible crimes, and incredible in a bad way."

Braunstein believes that Baumeister Sr.'s concerns reached a peak in 1971, when his son was committed to a mental institution six months after marrying Juliana Saiter. Despite these setbacks, Baumeister Jr. eventually became a married father and achieved success in various jobs.

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

However, in the 1990s, Baumeister Jr.'s life took a darker turn. He and his family moved into a spacious home in Westfield, Indiana, where he began leading a double life. As "Brian Smart," he frequented gay bars in Indianapolis, luring victims to his secluded home where he killed and buried them.

It wasn't until his teenage son stumbled upon a skull in 1994 that Baumeister Jr.'s reign of terror was exposed. His wife, initially skeptical of the skull, eventually became suspicious and contacted law enforcement. The subsequent search of their property uncovered a horrifying scene, with human remains scattered throughout the grounds.

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

Baumeister Jr. fled to Canada and committed suicide as law enforcement closed in. Braunstein and others were utterly shocked by his crimes.

"Everybody was stunned," Braunstein said. "We all knew Dr. Baumeister (Sr.) and his family. They were normal people. It wasn't like they were doing anything weird that we knew of."

A Friend of a Serial Killer's Father Recalls a Troubling Purchase: A Hearse for

Braunstein believes that Baumeister Jr. was a "chameleon" who fooled everyone. "I'm sure he fooled everyone else," she said. "I just remember saying, 'My God, thank goodness his father died and didn't have to live to see this.'"