A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

Comedian and Fox News contributor Kat Timpf pens a poignant essay about her pregnancy journey, unveiling the rollercoaster of emotions she's experienced amidst the current political climate and the absence of her mother. Navigating the physical and emotional challenges of pregnancy, Timpf questions societal expectations and explores the transformative power of relationships.

This Election Day holds profound significance for me personally. It marks a decade since my mother's passing, a somber anniversary that coincides with my entry into the life-changing experience of pregnancy.

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

I discovered my pregnancy on the same day former President Trump faced felony charges, and the heartbeat became audible amidst President Biden's disastrous debate performance. I embarked on writing this piece during Trump's alleged assassination attempt. What a world I get to introduce to my child. What a decade my mother has missed.

In "I Used to Like You Until," I aim to impart a crucial lesson to my child: to avoid viewing the world and its inhabitants through a binary lens. This is a principle my mother exemplified both in words and actions. A nurse once described her as "that lady, the one with all the pictures of the pope and the dick jokes."

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

I had not anticipated my pregnancy journey to unfold in this manner. I prepared myself for every outcome except this one. The prospect of getting pregnant, especially naturally, seemed slim. When it did happen, I expected a miscarriage due to my advanced age.

The realization of my pregnancy was far less dramatic than I had imagined. My husband initially struggled to see the test line, and his response upon finally seeing it was to roll over and go back to sleep. It was a gradual revelation for me as the line grew darker and blood tests confirmed it.

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

However, there was another factor mitigating the emotional impact of my discovery: sheer exhaustion. Before pregnancy, I had dismissed the notion of first-trimester fatigue as a mere inconvenience. However, the exhaustion I experienced was unlike anything I had encountered before, surpassing even the physical depletion caused by my rigorous work and social schedules.

Pregnancy exhaustion is a physical manifestation of the heightened anxieties that accompany this transformative stage. Despite my lifelong insomnia, I am constantly ready for a nap during pregnancy. The fear of the unknown overshadows the excitement of becoming a parent. I question my ability to hold a baby, fearing I have lost the vitality that defined me in the past.

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

The early stages of pregnancy can evoke emotional instability akin to the aftermath of a prolonged party. It is a time of heightened sensitivity, resulting in moments of despair and self-doubt. For a time, I succumbed to these feelings, fearing my inadequacy as a future mother.

So, why did I choose to become pregnant, despite the social stigma associated with getting pregnant by a man? Firstly, my husband is an exceptional human being, and his presence in my life made me receptive to the idea of having children. Secondly, I felt a sense of emptiness and curiosity, a desire to explore a new chapter in my life. Finally, I couldn't resist the potential for humor and laughter that pregnancy promised, and laughter remains my favorite aspect of existence.

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

Every reason to have a child seems somewhat selfish, doesn't it? I brought another human into the world to fill a void in my life, subjecting them to the same torments that plague me. Yet, society also labels women selfish if they choose to remain childless. The only way to avoid this judgment seems to be through the privilege of being a man.

I acknowledge the universality of the emotions I am experiencing. Women who have gone through pregnancy understand the challenges and vulnerabilities that come with it. However, I also feel a profound sense of loss and a yearning to share this connection with my mother.

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

Despite the excitement and joy of pregnancy, it has also been a time of profound sadness. It feels cruel to navigate this transformative journey without the guidance of my mother, who played such a pivotal role in shaping the person I am today.

Ten years have passed since my mother's passing, and the realization of that milestone will weigh heavily on my mind on Election Day. The political discourse will undoubtedly dominate the headlines, yet my thoughts will linger elsewhere.

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

Election Day is perhaps a little easier for me politically, as I am an independent voter with meaningful relationships on both sides of the aisle. However, the underlying theme of my new book, "I Used to Like You Until..." is the divisive nature of politics. We often alienate those we know in favor of those who are indifferent to our existence. Politicians exploit this division for their own political gain.

As I write in the introduction to the book: "All too often, we will let a single difference in viewpoint or association be enough to write off another person entirely, even if we know nothing else about them." This phenomenon extends beyond politics, impacting our personal relationships and damaging our communities.

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

A Pregnancy Journey Amidst Turmoil: Kat Timpf's 'I Used to Like You Until...'

Through "I Used to Like You Until...," I hope to inspire readers to question their assumptions and challenge the binary thinking that has become so prevalent in our society. By embracing a nuanced and compassionate perspective, we can bridge divides, preserve our relationships, and foster a more harmonious world.