A Senseless Loss: The Death of My Godson

Pastor Corey Brooks, founder of Project H.O.O.D., mourns the senseless killing of his 21-year-old godson, Christion Tucker, and reflects on his own role in preventing such tragedies.

On a warm June evening, under the bright lights of Carson's Ribs in downtown Chicago, I celebrated my godson Christion Tucker's 21st birthday. Amidst laughter and shared stories, we witnessed a young man blossom into adulthood.

A Senseless Loss: The Death of My Godson

A Senseless Loss: The Death of My Godson

Little did I know that just a few short weeks later, Christion's life would be cut tragically short. A senseless act of violence left my godson dead, and my heart shattered into a million pieces.

As of this moment, the reason for Christion's murder remains unknown. What we do know is that his death was entirely unwarranted. He was not a statistic, a number lost in the grim tally of urban violence. Christion was a bright, talented young man with a promising future, a loving family, and a desire to make a difference in the world.

I had the privilege of getting to know Christion through another family tragedy. In 2018, his 15-year-old brother, Chauncy, died in a tragic accident. The loss of his beloved brother left a profound void in Christion's life.

In the aftermath of that devastating event, I vowed to be a source of support and guidance for Christion and his family. I watched as he struggled to cope with his grief, but I was also inspired by his resilience and determination.

Over time, our bond deepened. Christion became my spiritual son, and I became his godfather. I saw him grow into a young man of exceptional character, a beacon of hope for his South Side community.

When Christion expressed his desire to work at Project H.O.O.D., the non-profit organization I founded to combat violence, I was overjoyed. I knew that his passion, his ability to connect with troubled youth, and his unwavering commitment to making a difference would have a profound impact on our work.

The news of Christion's death sent me spiraling into a vortex of grief and despair. I questioned my own role as his mentor and guardian. Could I have done more to protect him from the dangers lurking in our neighborhood? Could I have provided him with a stronger shield against the senseless violence that plagues our community?

As I grapple with these unanswered questions, I am haunted by a profound sense of loss. Yet, amidst the pain, I am determined to honor Christion's memory by carrying his legacy forward. I will continue my work at Project H.O.O.D., using his story as a rallying cry to fight against urban violence and empower young people to achieve their full potential.

Though Christion's life was cut short, his impact on this world will endure. His spirit will guide me and my colleagues as we strive to create a safer, more just future for all our youth. Christion's death may have been senseless, but his life was anything but. His memory will inspire countless others to live their lives with purpose, to strive for greatness, and to make a positive difference in the world.