Abolish the Electoral College: Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls for Popular Vote

Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin slammed the Electoral College as an "obsolete" and deadly system that can "get you killed." He advocates for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to ensure the president is elected by the majority of voters, rather than through a handful of swing states.

Congressman Jamie Raskin, a vocal advocate for abolishing the Electoral College, recently denounced the system as an "antique" and "lethal" relic from the 18th century. Speaking at the Riggs Library in Washington, D.C., Raskin expressed his urgency in circumventing the Electoral College to safeguard American democracy.

Accusing the Electoral College of being complicit in the January 6th Capitol insurrection, Raskin argued that the obsolete system "can get you killed." He attributed the mob's violence to former President Donald Trump's exploitation of the system's convoluted nature, enabling him to incite an attack despite losing the popular vote.

Abolish the Electoral College: Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls for Popular Vote

Abolish the Electoral College: Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls for Popular Vote

Raskin's criticisms align with a growing chorus of voices calling for the abolition of the Electoral College. He believes that the president should be elected by popular vote, ensuring that every American's vote carries equal weight, regardless of their geographic location.

To counter the influence of swing states, Raskin championed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement among states to award their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the national popular vote. He emphasized that over two-thirds of the necessary states have already joined the compact, bringing the country closer to realizing universal suffrage for the presidency.

Abolish the Electoral College: Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls for Popular Vote

Abolish the Electoral College: Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls for Popular Vote

According to Raskin, the Electoral College is a vestige of a bygone era, ill-suited to the modern American electorate. Its continued existence has led to five instances in U.S. history where the candidate with fewer popular votes emerged as president, including the elections of 2000 and 2016.

Raskin's stance is supported by a majority of Americans, with polls consistently indicating a preference for popular vote elections. He believes that such a system would foster greater accountability and fairer representation within the American electoral process.

Abolish the Electoral College: Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls for Popular Vote

Abolish the Electoral College: Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls for Popular Vote

The debate over the Electoral College remains a contentious issue in American politics, pitting those who favor preserving the system against advocates of popular vote reform. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the question of Electoral College abolition is likely to take center stage, with Congressman Raskin and other supporters pushing for a more democratic and equitable electoral system.