'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

Herman Lopez, father of fallen Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez, shares his profound understanding of freedom's true cost and the immense sacrifice made by his son and countless other brave Americans.

As the nation commemorates the 13 American service members who perished in the Kabul airport bombing in August 2021, Herman Lopez, father of fallen Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez, reflects on the profound meaning behind the phrase "freedom isn't free."

For Lopez, these words carry an immeasurable weight, etched into his heart by the ultimate sacrifice made by his son. Hunter's unwavering commitment to his country, his fellow Marines, and the innocent civilians in Afghanistan epitomized the essence of true heroism, far exceeding the expectations of duty.

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

"He took time to make other people around him better," Herman Lopez recalled of his son. "And that's always something that we all miss very much."

Hunter's selflessness and willingness to lay down his life for others are testaments to the unwavering spirit that defines America's fallen heroes. Their actions, according to Lopez, transcended the realm of duty and embraced a higher calling.

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

"I think it's important for people to remember that there's thousands and thousands of people that their lives have been forever changed because of what these brave men and women did, and in my opinion, above the call of duty," Lopez emphasized.

In the wake of Hunter's tragic loss, Lopez and his wife, Alicia, turned their sorrow into a beacon of hope by establishing the Hunter Lopez Memorial Foundation. This organization provides scholarships, supports families at Marine Corps Recruit Depot graduations, and sponsors service dogs for veterans, honoring Hunter's legacy by empowering others.

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

"We decided to start his foundation," Alicia Lopez explained. "The whole nation, everybody from California to New York, everybody had been raising money for us and sent us, you know, a few dollars here and there and said, ‘Hey, this is to help' with whatever it is that we needed."

Through their foundation, the Lopez family perpetuates Hunter's unwavering spirit, ensuring that his selfless sacrifice continues to inspire and empower generations to come.

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

"I think it's important for people to remember that they're not catchphrases," Herman Lopez emphasized. "They're not, to us. They mean a great, great deal. And it's not only to us 13 families, it's to everyone that served, this country from its beginnings … there's people deployed right now that are protecting this country."

As the nation remembers its fallen heroes, let us remember their sacrifices, their unwavering commitment to freedom, and the profound meaning behind the words "freedom isn't free."

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service

'Above the Call of Duty': Gold Star Father Reflects on Son's Extraordinary Service