Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation

Senator Bernie Sanders, a Vermont Independent, has introduced a sweeping bill that aims to address the widespread dental care crisis in the United States, proposing measures to expand access, affordability, and coverage for dental services.

Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation

The United States faces a significant dental care crisis, leaving millions of Americans struggling to access and afford essential dental services. According to Senator Bernie Sanders, nearly 70 million adults and 8 million children lack dental insurance, and many who do have it find the coverage inadequate.

The crisis disproportionately affects low-income Americans, pregnant women, people with disabilities, veterans, rural residents, and marginalized communities. The result is widespread pain, discomfort, and health complications, including tooth decay, periodontal disease, heart problems, and diabetes.

Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation

To address the crisis, Sanders has introduced the most comprehensive dental care legislation in US history. The bill aims to:

* **Substantially Increase Dental Professionals:** Expand the number of dentists, dental hygienists, and dental therapists, particularly in underserved areas where 67% of rural communities face dental professional shortages.

Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation

* **Increase Low-Income Coverage:** Ensure that more dentists serve low-income individuals, who often face barriers to access. Only a third of dentists currently provide care to Medicaid patients, and the bill would increase Medicaid reimbursement rates.

* **Expand Dental Insurance Coverage:** Enhance dental insurance coverage for seniors, veterans, and low-income Americans. Medicare and Medicaid would be expanded to provide comprehensive dental care, and it would become an essential benefit under the Affordable Care Act.

Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation

* **Increase Community Health Center Services:** Expand dental care services offered by community health centers in schools and nursing homes. In Vermont, for example, 9 out of 11 health centers provide affordable dental care to 40,000 residents, and many schools offer dental services.

Dental care is not a luxury but an essential component of health and well-being. Poor dental health can lead to severe pain, absenteeism from school and work, and increased risk of systemic diseases.

Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation

In Mexico, Costa Rica, and India, dental procedures are considerably less expensive than in the US. For example, a dental implant costs around $5,500 in the US compared to $850 in Mexico. This disparity results in many Americans traveling abroad for dental care.

Senator Sanders' legislation represents a bold step towards addressing the dental care crisis in America. By expanding access, affordability, and coverage, the bill would improve the oral health and overall well-being of millions of Americans.

Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation

It is time, as Sanders emphasizes, to get our national priorities straight and ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable dental care.

Addressing the Dental Crisis: Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Legislation