AI Avatar Running for Parliament: A Test of Artificial Intelligence in Politics

Steve Endacott, a UK businessman and candidate for parliament, has taken a unique approach by campaigning with an AI-generated avatar named "AI Steve." This AI assistant engages with voters, discusses policy ideas, and gauges their suggestions. Endacott aims to demonstrate the potential of AI in enhancing voter access to representatives and shaping democratic processes.

In the upcoming July 4 national election in Britain, businessman Steve Endacott is among the hundreds of candidates vying for a seat in parliament. However, his campaign stands out with an innovative twist: the face on the campaign leaflet is not his own, but an AI-generated avatar of the 59-year-old.

AI Avatar Running for Parliament: A Test of Artificial Intelligence in Politics

AI Avatar Running for Parliament: A Test of Artificial Intelligence in Politics

Should his bid succeed, it would potentially mark the world's first AI lawmaker. Endacott envisions a role where the AI co-pilot engages with voters around the clock, formulating policies that are then subjected to vetting by a group of 500 validators.

"AI Steve" interacts in real-time with locals, discussing a wide range of topics from LGBTQ rights and housing to waste management and immigration. It then presents policy ideas and invites suggestions from the voters.

AI Avatar Running for Parliament: A Test of Artificial Intelligence in Politics

AI Avatar Running for Parliament: A Test of Artificial Intelligence in Politics

Endacott, whose company Neural Voice developed AI Steve, explains that his frustration with "standard politics" motivated him to run as an independent for the Brighton Pavilion seat. He believes AI can improve democracy by fostering greater voter engagement and addressing the perceived disconnect between elected officials and their constituents.

However, not everyone shares Endacott's enthusiasm for an AI candidate. Charity worker Eona Johnston, while open to the concept, emphasizes the need for proof of the avatar's efficiency and trustworthiness.

Others express skepticism, with some viewing it as a gimmick. Jim Cheek, an accountant, points to the essential role of public speaking for MPs, a task that an AI lawmaker currently lacks the ability to perform.

Despite the varied reactions, Endacott's campaign has sparked important conversations about the use of AI in politics. While AI has been utilized for decades, the recent rise of ChatGPT has brought it into the mainstream, prompting discussions on the need for responsible oversight.

In a politically divided Britain, Endacott's experiment with AI Steve raises questions about the future of representation and the role of technology in enhancing democratic processes. Despite potential limitations, the campaign has initiated a dialogue on the possibilities and challenges of AI in the political sphere.