AI: "Terrifying" Threat to Industries, but Not Blue-Collar Workers, Says Twisted Sister's Dee Snider

Dee Snider, lead singer of Twisted Sister, expresses concern over the potential impact of artificial intelligence on various industries. While he believes AI poses a significant threat to many jobs, Snider maintains that blue-collar workers may be less affected due to the hands-on nature of their work.

Dee Snider, the iconic frontman of Twisted Sister, has voiced his apprehension regarding the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in various industries. In an interview with Fox News Digital, Snider described AI as "terrifying" and asserted that it could potentially replace a wide range of jobs. However, he noted an important exemption to this trend: blue-collar workers.


AI: "Terrifying" Threat to Industries, but Not Blue-Collar Workers, Says Twisted Sister's Dee Snider

Snider explained that physical jobs, such as the role of a frontman, involve activities like rocking and connecting with an audience, which cannot be easily automated by AI. He emphasized that AI lacks the physical capabilities to perform tasks that require manual labor.

"They're going to take everybody's jobs," Snider warned, "if you're not a blue-collar worker." He stressed that blue-collar workers possess the advantage of creating tangible products, a skill that remains beyond the reach of AI.


AI: "Terrifying" Threat to Industries, but Not Blue-Collar Workers, Says Twisted Sister's Dee Snider

Snider's concerns echo those of other musicians who have expressed apprehension about the potential impact of AI on the music industry. John Oates of Hall & Oates fame recently shared similar anxieties, citing the possibility of AI replacing songwriters and artists.

Oates raised the example of a hypothetical new David Bowie album, created by AI using Bowie's voice and musical samples. He highlighted the risk that a younger generation might not even realize that Bowie had passed away, potentially leading to the replacement of human creativity with AI-generated content.


AI: "Terrifying" Threat to Industries, but Not Blue-Collar Workers, Says Twisted Sister's Dee Snider

Walker Hayes, a country music star, also voiced his concerns about AI's potential to outpace human creativity. He expressed amazement at the quality of an AI-generated song he had heard and acknowledged that AI could potentially surpass him in songwriting ability.

Hayes expressed trepidation about a future where the need for human creativity diminishes. He envisions a world where people become sedentary and rely heavily on AI, raising concerns about the long-term impact on society.


AI: "Terrifying" Threat to Industries, but Not Blue-Collar Workers, Says Twisted Sister's Dee Snider

As AI continues to advance, the debate over its implications for various industries and the future of human creativity will likely intensify. Snider's perspective, alongside those of other musicians, underscores the need for careful consideration of the potential societal consequences of AI's growing presence.