Al Michaels Falls Head Over Tails for Kirk Herbstreit's Beloved Golden Retriever, Ben

Legendary broadcaster Al Michaels initially claimed to be indifferent to canines, but ESPN analyst Kirk Herbstreit's 10-year-old golden retriever, Ben, has melted his heart. Michaels praises Ben's intelligence, charm, and unwavering devotion to Herbstreit.

Despite Al Michaels' proclaimed aversion to animals, the legendary broadcaster has succumbed to the irresistible charm of Kirk Herbstreit's golden retriever, Ben. The canine has become a beloved fixture in ESPN's broadcast booth, captivating the hearts of both Herbstreit and his viewers.

Michaels' transformation from dog skeptic to Ben enthusiast is a testament to the retriever's exceptional temperament and unwavering loyalty. In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Michaels explained, "You know what? I'm not an animal person. Kirk brought him last year, and all of a sudden, I found myself in love with that dog. He's a golden retriever. He's beautifully behaved. Kirk is able to bring him around, and he doesn't even have him on a leash."

Al Michaels Falls Head Over Tails for Kirk Herbstreit's Beloved Golden Retriever, Ben

Al Michaels Falls Head Over Tails for Kirk Herbstreit's Beloved Golden Retriever, Ben

Michaels recalled an incident that underscored Ben's remarkable intelligence. While staying at a hotel with Herbstreit, the dog effortlessly led them through a maze-like series of turns to their room, demonstrating an uncanny spatial awareness. "The dog is smart," Michaels exclaimed. "Kirk and I were at a hotel. We're walking out of an elevator, and the dog is walking with us. And the dog is leading the way around like four turns. It looked like a Grand Prix course to get to Kirk's room, and he knew exactly where it was."

Michaels' affection for Ben extends beyond his admiration for the dog's abilities. He has also witnessed Ben's unwavering devotion to Herbstreit, a bond that has deepened in the face of adversity. In August, Herbstreit revealed that Ben had been diagnosed with leukemia. The dog underwent surgery to remove masses, a procedure that left Herbstreit fearing for his beloved companion's life.

Al Michaels Falls Head Over Tails for Kirk Herbstreit's Beloved Golden Retriever, Ben

Al Michaels Falls Head Over Tails for Kirk Herbstreit's Beloved Golden Retriever, Ben

"Ben is always ready," Herbstreit said on "The Brett Boone Podcast." "We've had a tough offseason. I haven't really told anybody this. He got diagnosed with leukemia and most recently had to have an operation where they had to take a couple of masses... They had to open him up and took out his spleen, where there was a mass and then another mass on his intestine, which is a pretty big procedure when you're 10 years old."

Despite the initial setback, Ben has since made a remarkable recovery, thanks to the unwavering support of Herbstreit and his family. Michaels has been there every step of the way, offering his encouragement and admiration for the resilient canine.

Al Michaels Falls Head Over Tails for Kirk Herbstreit's Beloved Golden Retriever, Ben

Al Michaels Falls Head Over Tails for Kirk Herbstreit's Beloved Golden Retriever, Ben

Tonight, as Herbstreit and Michaels call the NFL game between the Miami Dolphins and Buffalo Bills, Ben will undoubtedly be watching from the sidelines, his tail wagging with pride. The beloved golden retriever has not only captured the hearts of his human companions but has also become a symbol of resilience and love.