Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen alleges that federal policies implemented by President Biden are providing illegal immigrants and non-citizens a "mechanism" to register to vote, sparking concerns about election integrity.

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen has expressed alarm over Executive Order 14019 issued by President Biden in 2021. Allen contends that the Biden administration's broad interpretation of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 has "weaponized and mobilized the entire federal government apparatus to become voter registration agencies."

According to Allen, state welfare agencies that receive federal funding, including Medicaid and other offices, are required to provide voter registration forms to anyone who comes into contact with the agency, including illegal immigrants and non-citizens. He argues that the 2021 executive order lacks mechanisms to verify that the forms are only sent to U.S. citizens.

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Allen points to a complaint from a concerned voter who received a voter registration form in the mail from an Alabama state agency addressed to a deceased relative. His office discovered that welfare agencies are providing these forms regardless of whether individuals are approved for benefits.

Allen argues that the NVRA should be reformed to remove voter registration from federal hands and allow states to conduct their own voter registration processes. He proposes legislation, such as the Citizen Ballot Protection Act and the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, to require proof of citizenship for voter registration.

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Allen emphasizes that only American citizens should be allowed to vote in elections and that the people of Alabama share this belief. He urges for strong GOP majorities in the Senate and House to reform the NVRA and implement measures to verify citizenship.

The White House maintains that Executive Order 14019 aims to protect the right to vote for all eligible Americans, including Black voters and other voters of color. It views the order as the federal government's responsibility to expand access to voter registration and combat misinformation.

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Despite the illegality of non-citizens voting in federal elections, some local jurisdictions have enacted laws allowing them to vote in city or municipal elections. However, there are no such jurisdictions in Alabama.

Allen believes that the NVRA should be reformed to allow states to remove people who have moved out of state from the voter rolls more quickly, shortening the process from four years to two.

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Alabama Secretary of State Raises Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants Receiving Voter Registration Forms Under Biden Executive Order

Allen's concerns have been echoed by other Republican secretaries of state and the general public in Alabama, who prioritize election integrity and transparency. Allen stresses that the election process in Alabama involves paper ballots, tabulators that cannot be connected to the internet, and a photo identification law.

He expresses dissatisfaction with a recent Biden executive order that could shield 500,000 illegal immigrants from deportation, calling it an "attempt to win the upcoming election by legitimizing illegal immigrants."

Allen maintains that the Biden administration is "radical and lawless" in its approach to immigration and voting rights.