Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Former President Donald Trump's senior adviser Alina Habba has slammed the Democrats' push to allow non-citizens to vote, calling it "disgusting" and a betrayal of American values. Habba, who is herself a first-generation American of Iraqi descent, said that such a move would undermine the integrity of U.S. elections and erode the rights of citizens.

Former President Donald Trump's senior adviser Alina Habba has launched a scathing attack on the Democrats' efforts to allow non-citizens to vote, labeling the move as "disgusting" and a betrayal of American values.

Habba, who is also a lawyer on Trump's legal team, has been crisscrossing the key swing state of Michigan to rally Arab support for the Republican presidential candidate. Her efforts come as the Democrats push for legislation that would grant non-citizens the right to vote in local elections.

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Habba expressed her outrage at the Democrats' proposal, calling it a dangerous and unpatriotic move.

"As a first-generation American, I am deeply concerned about the integrity of our elections and the rights of our citizens," Habba said. "The Democrats' push to allow non-citizens to vote is a disgusting betrayal of our American values and a direct attack on our democracy."

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Habba emphasized that the United States has a long-standing tradition of limiting voting rights to citizens, and for good reason.

"Citizenship is a sacred privilege that comes with both rights and responsibilities," Habba said. "Non-citizens, by definition, have not made the same commitment to our country as citizens, and they should not be granted the same rights, including the right to vote."

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Allowing non-citizens to vote, Habba argued, would open the door to fraud and abuse, undermine the trust of citizens in the electoral process, and weaken the very foundation of American democracy.

"This is not just about partisan politics," Habba said. "This is about the future of our country. We cannot allow our country to go down the same dangerous path as other nations that have allowed non-citizens to vote, with disastrous consequences."

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Alina Habba Condemns Democrats' 'Disgusting' Attempt to Allow Non-Citizen Voting

Habba's comments echo the concerns raised by many legal experts and voting integrity advocates, who have warned that allowing non-citizens to vote would create a slippery slope that could lead to the erosion of citizenship rights and the dilution of the power of American citizens.

The Democrats' push for non-citizen voting has drawn widespread criticism, with many accusing the party of putting its own political interests ahead of the integrity of the electoral process.

As the debate over non-citizen voting intensifies, Alina Habba's voice has emerged as a powerful force for those who believe that the right to vote should be reserved for citizens. Her personal story as a first-generation American lends credibility to her arguments and highlights the importance of protecting the sanctity of American citizenship.