Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

Raul Meza Jr., 63, suspected in a string of murders in Texas, appeared in court seeking a plea deal that would have granted him eventual parole. However, the judge rejected the deal, opting instead for life imprisonment without the possibility of release.

Alleged serial killer Raul Meza Jr. faces life behind bars after his plea deal was rejected in connection with the murders of Gloria Lofton and Jesse Fraga in Texas. Meza, 63, previously served time for the 1982 murder of 8-year-old Kendra Page.

Meza appeared in court on Tuesday, August 27, to discuss a potential plea deal with Travis County Judge Julie Kocurek for life in prison for one murder and 20 years for another. This deal would have made Meza eligible for parole in 40 years, at 103 years old.

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

However, Judge Kocurek did not accept the defense's argument, saying she would not accept anything less than life without possibility of parole. Meza's defense attorney, Russell Hunt, argued that his client "is ready for this ordeal to be over" and that a plea deal would best serve the community's interest.

Tracy Page, the surviving sister of Kendra Page, expressed relief at the judge's decision. "When I heard that today, it was just a big relief off my shoulders," she told FOX 7 Austin. "I wish this would have been done when he did this to my sister, then all these families wouldn't be here today."

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

Meza served only 11 of the 30 years to which he was sentenced for the murder of Tracy Page before being released on parole. Hunt admitted that Meza has expressed remorse to the court, but Tracy Page countered that he has "never, ever had remorse."

Gloria Lofton was 66 years old when she was murdered, while Jesse Fraga was 80. Fraga had previously given Meza a place to stay while he was on probation.

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

Although Meza has been charged with two murders, law enforcement believes he may be linked to over 10 unsolved homicides in the Austin, Texas area. Austin police are also investigating another possible serial killer case involving five bodies found in Lady Bird Lake.

Meza's attorneys have indicated that they will continue to argue for a plea deal rather than going to trial. His next hearing is scheduled for September 30 with Judge Kocurek.

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

Alleged Serial Killer Raul Meza Jr.'s Plea Deal Denied, Faces Life Behind Bars

The murder rate in Austin has risen steadily since 2019, leaving the city on edge. The recent discovery of unidentified bodies has further raised concerns about the safety and security of the community.