American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

A mother's heartbreaking testimony before Congress reveals the horrific details of her daughter's murder by illegal immigrants, highlighting the devastating impact of the Biden administration's open border policies.

Alexis Nungaray's voice trembled as she recounted the unimaginable horror she witnessed on that fateful day in June. Her beloved 12-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, had been found lifeless in a Houston creek, her body bearing the gruesome marks of a violent struggle. The nightmare that unfolded thereafter was a testament to the catastrophic consequences of the Biden-Harris administration's reckless border policies.

Two Venezuelan nationals, identified as Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, were swiftly apprehended and charged with Jocelyn's murder. The cold, hard truth is that these men had illegally crossed the border earlier in the year, exploiting the loopholes created by the administration's catch-and-release program.

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

Alexis's testimony ignited a firestorm of outrage and ignited a fierce debate over the true cost of illegal immigration. As she tearfully recounted the unimaginable suffering inflicted upon her family, Alexis laid bare the devastating impact that open borders have on communities across America.

"She was strangled to death. She had no clothing from the waist down. Her hands and her ankles were tied and thrown under the bridge of water like she was nothing but garbage," Alexis recounted, her voice choked with grief and indignation. "Because of the Biden-Harris administration's open border policies, catch and release, they were enrolled in the Alternatives to Detention program."

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

Alexis's words echoed the sentiments of countless other families who have been torn apart by the senseless violence perpetrated by those who should never have been allowed to set foot on American soil. The Biden-Harris administration's abdication of its border security responsibilities has created an environment that emboldens criminals and endangers innocent lives.

"She did not deserve to have her life ripped away from her and our family. She had her entire life ahead of her because of these open border policies," Alexis lamented. "I can't even fathom what my daughter was thinking and the amount of fear she was feeling in the last moments of her life."

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan condemned the mainstream media's deafening silence on this harrowing hearing, highlighting the staggering number of lives that have been shattered due to the administration's open border policies.

"The cost to education systems, cost of health care systems, and the personal loss families have suffered because of the Biden administration, we just now have an open border," Jordan said. "And under the Biden-Harris administration, they let in 10 million people in three and a half years, 99 on the terrorist watch list."

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

American Girl's Murder by Illegal Immigrants Ignored by Mainstream Media

The tragedy that befell the Nungaray family serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the border crisis and hold the Biden administration accountable for its failures. This is not a mere political issue; it is about the sanctity of human life and the safety of our communities.

As long as our borders remain vulnerable, innocent lives will continue to be put at risk. The time for complacency has passed. It is incumbent upon our elected officials to heed the pleas of those who have suffered unimaginable loss and enact meaningful reforms to secure our borders and protect the American people.