American Voters Express Concerns over Biden and Trump's Fitness and Ethics

A new poll reveals that most American voters have little confidence in President Biden's physical and mental fitness to serve a second term, while a similar majority is concerned that former President Trump would not act ethically if elected.

American Voters Express Concerns over Biden and Trump's Fitness and Ethics

Recent surveys have painted a concerning picture of American voters' sentiments towards the two potential frontrunners in the 2024 presidential election, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. A Pew Research Center poll released on Wednesday exposed a deep lack of confidence among voters in both candidates' physical and mental fitness, as well as their ethical conduct in office.

Regarding President Biden, only 15% of voters expressed extreme or very high confidence in his physical fitness for the demanding role of president, with 20% having somewhat confidence and a staggering 65% expressing little or no confidence. Biden's mental fitness fared even worse, with just 21% of voters exhibiting extreme or very high confidence, 16% somewhat confident, and 62% lacking confidence.

American Voters Express Concerns over Biden and Trump's Fitness and Ethics

Former President Trump received slightly higher marks from respondents on both physical and mental fitness. Roughly 36% expressed extreme or very high confidence in his physical fitness, 24% somewhat confident, and 40% with little or no confidence. On mental fitness, 38% were extremely or very confident in Trump, 14% somewhat confident, and 48% had little or no confidence.

In terms of ethical conduct in office, Biden held a slight edge over Trump. 34% of voters expressed extreme confidence in Biden's ability to act ethically, compared to 26% for Trump. However, a significant 59% had little or no confidence that Trump could act ethically if elected.

American Voters Express Concerns over Biden and Trump's Fitness and Ethics

Despite these concerns, the presidential race remains a virtual tie, with 49% of registered voters favoring or leaning toward voting for Trump, while 48% support or lean toward Biden.

Biden has recently come under fire for a series of public gaffes, including appearing to read a script instruction off a teleprompter during remarks at a trade union conference in Washington, D.C. Trump, on the other hand, is currently standing trial in New York City for allegedly falsifying business records related to hush money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in the final days of the 2016 campaign.

American Voters Express Concerns over Biden and Trump's Fitness and Ethics

Trump also faces separate state and federal charges of alleged election interference, and federal charges for allegedly retaining classified documents.