American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny

Sam Goodwin, a former world traveler, was unjustly detained in Syria for 62 days, enduring solitary confinement and interrogation. His family worked tirelessly with diplomats, intelligence agencies, and even the Pope to secure his release.

Five years ago, Sam Goodwin embarked on a quest to visit every country in the world. His 181st stop was war-torn Syria, where he intended to stay briefly in Qamishli. However, while making a FaceTime call near a statue of Syria's former president, he was apprehended by a military officer.

Ann Goodwin, Sam's mother, witnessed her son's last moments of freedom before the phone disconnected. She would not hear from him again for the next 62 days. Sam was taken to Military Intelligence Branch 215, a notorious detention facility known for housing political prisoners.

American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny

American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny

For 27 days, Sam endured solitary confinement, with only bread, boiled potatoes, and water for sustenance. As a former athlete, he relied on his Catholic faith and travel experiences to find solace and strength. He learned the importance of gratitude and found purpose in the midst of adversity.

Sam's family refused to give up hope. They enlisted the aid of the FBI, CIA, State Department, special presidential envoy for hostage affairs, Vatican envoys, and Middle East experts. They even wrote to Pope Francis, seeking his intervention.

American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny

American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny

Joseph Abbas, an old friend of General Abbas Ibrahim, head of Lebanon's General Security Directorate, contacted the general in an attempt to secure Sam's release. Ibrahim traveled to Syria and met with Ali Mamlouk, President Assad's close aide, to advocate for Sam's innocence.

After months of relentless effort, Sam's release was finally secured. He was driven to Lebanon, where he was reunited with his overjoyed parents. He attributed his liberation to the unwavering support of his family, who demonstrated extraordinary determination in navigating diplomatic channels to reach the highest levels of government.

American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny

American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny

Sam's ordeal in Syria was a testament to the brutality of the regime and the indomitable spirit of a family united in their fight for justice. His story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and human connection can prevail.

American's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over TyrannyAmerican's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over TyrannyAmerican's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over TyrannyAmerican's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over TyrannyAmerican's Ordeal in Syria: A Family's Triumph over Tyranny