America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

The Chinese Communist Party poses a grave threat to global stability, and the United States must invest heavily in its national defense to contain its aggression. Senator Roger Wicker's visionary report outlines a roadmap for achieving "peace through strength" and ensuring America's continued dominance as a global superpower.

In an era of heightened geopolitical tensions, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has emerged as a formidable adversary to the United States. Its malign activities, including collusion with Russia, support for rogue regimes, and explicit military alliances with belligerent nations, pose a significant threat to international security. Moreover, President Xi Jinping's stated intention to invade Taiwan by 2027 demands urgent action from the United States.

President George Washington's sage advice to Congress in his inaugural address emphasizes the importance of military preparedness in preserving peace. However, the United States has neglected its defense spending in recent years, resulting in a military that is ill-equipped to confront today's challenges. Since 2000, defense spending has declined more than any other federal category, and in 2024, for the first time in history, the United States will allocate more funds to debt repayment than to defense.

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

This decline has eroded America's military capabilities. The Navy, once a formidable force, is now retiring more submarines than it can replace. The military's equipment is outdated, and training and maintenance funding is insufficient. The massive infrastructure backlog poses further challenges.

Senator Roger Wicker, in his insightful report "21st Century Peace Through Strength: A Generational Investment in the U.S. Military," proposes a comprehensive plan to rebuild America's military and restore its dominance. Wicker argues that the annual defense budget must increase to 5% of gross domestic product (GDP) to counter the threat posed by China. This level of spending is consistent with historical norms during periods of great power rivalry and is essential for maintaining a technological edge over adversaries.

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

Mere money, however, will not guarantee victory. Wicker's report stresses the need for renewed focus and reforms. The military requires modern equipment, increased training and maintenance funding, and infrastructure improvements. It must also address deficiencies in its nuclear and space capabilities.

The breakout pace of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has raised concerns among defense experts. China is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal, potentially surpassing the United States in the 2030s. Russia's nuclear capabilities are already more advanced and diverse than America's. Revitalizing America's nuclear capacity and considering burden-sharing agreements with allies in the Pacific are crucial steps to address this threat.

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

In space, the PLA has launched over 470 spy satellites, creating a formidable sensor-shooter network that threatens US forward-deployed forces. The US Space Force must develop offensive capabilities to break this network.

Recent operations in the Red Sea have highlighted the need for innovation in counter-drone operations. Using expensive missiles to neutralize relatively inexpensive drones is unsustainable.

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat

Despite the challenges, the United States possesses a remarkable capacity for renewal. Victory in this existential competition is not assured, but it is achievable if the United States commits to a generational investment in its military and confronts the evolving threats with determination. The time for complacency has passed; America must act swiftly to ensure its continued security and global leadership.

America's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese ThreatAmerica's Imperative: Rebuilding Our Military to Counter the Chinese Threat