Amy Duggar King Wishes for "Torture" in Josh Duggar's Prison Sentence

Amy Duggar King, cousin of convicted child pornography offender Josh Duggar, expresses her hope that he faces extreme suffering during his 12½-year prison sentence.

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Amy Duggar King, cousin of disgraced former reality television star Josh Duggar, has voiced her strong desire for him to experience severe discomfort during his prison sentence. Duggar was convicted on child pornography charges in 2021 and is currently serving his sentence.

In an interview with People magazine, Amy expressed her belief that Josh deserves every minute of his imprisonment. "I hope every day there is absolute torture for him," she stated. "I really hope that because what he watched and what he was viewing for his own fulfillment is those kids experiencing torture."

Amy's comments stem from her belief that Josh's actions warrant significant punishment. "He deserves every second in there," she said. "I hope he gets a longer term. I hope he messes up again."

Josh's illegal activities came to light in 2015, leading to the cancellation of the TLC reality series "19 Kids and Counting," which featured his family. Prior to that, allegations against him dating back to 2006 had surfaced, but the statute of limitations had expired.

Amy has severed all contact with Josh since his prison sentence began. "I will not," she stated. "When you just cross those evil lines like that, there is no coming back."

Josh shares seven children with his wife, Anna Duggar. Amy has also distanced herself from Anna, having only spoken to her briefly at a funeral in 2023. "That was the last time," Amy said. "I was shocked to see her... I just looked at her and I said, 'Anna,' and she was like, 'I just need space.' That's all she said to me."

Amy expressed her understanding of Anna's situation but believes that she is likely experiencing anger and resentment. "I can't imagine what she has to deal with internally," Amy said. "It's heartbreaking in every direction."

Amy has also stated that she wanted to confront Josh but realized that the funeral was not the appropriate setting. "It wasn't the right timing," she said. "I didn't want to make [a] scene."

Amy's comments reflect her strong belief in the severity of Josh's crimes and her desire for him to face consequences commensurate with his actions.