Ancient Board Game "Hounds and Jackals" May Have Originated in Southwestern Asia

A new study suggests that the ancient board game "Hounds and Jackals," also known as "58 Holes," may have originated in southwestern Asia, challenging the long-held belief of its Egyptian roots.

The ancient board game "Hounds and Jackals," also known as "58 Holes," has long been believed to have originated in Egypt. However, a recent archaeological discovery and study published in the European Journal of Archaeology challenge this assumption, suggesting that the game's origins may lie in southwestern Asia.

Researchers Walter Crist and Rahman Abdullayev have uncovered six ancient boards bearing the distinct pattern of the "Hounds and Jackals" game at several archaeological sites in modern-day Azerbaijan. These boards have been found at Çapmalı, Yenı Türkan, Dübəndi, and Ağdaşdüzü.

Ancient Board Game

Ancient Board Game "Hounds and Jackals" May Have Originated in Southwestern Asia

The game is played on a board with two parallel lines of tiny holes and an arc of 38 holes around them. Players navigate peg-shaped pieces along the board, with the first player to reach the end declared the winner. The game's rules are similar to the modern-day "Chutes and Ladders."

The presence of these boards in Azerbaijan indicates that the region had connections with societies to the south. It also demonstrates the game's popularity across cultures and socioeconomic groups. The study questions the assumption of its Egyptian origin and proposes a southwestern Asian origin.

Ancient Board Game

Ancient Board Game "Hounds and Jackals" May Have Originated in Southwestern Asia

The lead author, Walter Crist, explains that the discovery raises questions about the traditional understanding of the game's origins. He emphasizes the need to consider the cultural processes that influence the transmission of games between regions.

The study suggests that the game may have originated in southwestern Asia during the late third, early second millennium B.C. The Abşeron Peninsula's connections to exchange networks suggest that the game spread through trade rather than conquest.

Ancient Board Game

Ancient Board Game "Hounds and Jackals" May Have Originated in Southwestern Asia

The discovery of the boards in Azerbaijan adds to the growing body of evidence that the game was widespread in both geographical and social contexts. From the nobility of Middle Kingdom Egypt to the cattle herders of the Caucasus, the game was played by a diverse range of people.

The study acknowledges that more evidence is needed to fully determine the origins of the game. However, the findings strongly support the hypothesis that southwestern Asia may have been the birthplace of "Hounds and Jackals."

Ancient Board Game

Ancient Board Game "Hounds and Jackals" May Have Originated in Southwestern Asia

This discovery highlights the importance of further archaeological research and cross-cultural comparisons in understanding the origins and spread of ancient games and their cultural significance.

As researchers continue to uncover new evidence, the debate over the origins of "Hounds and Jackals" is likely to continue. However, the discovery of the boards in Azerbaijan has made a significant contribution to the ongoing exploration of human ingenuity and the shared cultural heritage of ancient civilizations.