Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

Archaeologists in Israel have made a remarkable discovery at the City of David National Park – a rare stone seal dating back to the First Temple period, around 2,700 years ago. This exquisite artifact, crafted from black stone, is not only a testament to the advanced craftsmanship of the time but also sheds light on the widespread literacy during that era.

Archaeologists in Israel have made a remarkable discovery at the City of David National Park – a rare stone seal dating back to the First Temple period, around 2,700 years ago. This exquisite artifact, crafted from black stone, is not only a testament to the advanced craftsmanship of the time but also sheds light on the widespread literacy during that era.

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

The seal, which was uncovered in the Israel Antiquities Authority excavations near the Western Wall and the City of David, features a winged figure and a Hebrew name inscribed in the paleo-Hebrew script. The winged figure, depicted in the distinctive Neo-Assyrian style, is a unique and rare motif in the glyphic styles of the late First Temple period.

"The figure of a winged man in a distinct Neo-Assyrian style is unique and very rare in the glyphic styles of the late First Temple period," said Dr. Yuval Baruch and Navot Rom, excavation directors. "The influence of the Assyrian Empire, which had conquered the entire region, is clearly evident here."

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

The inscription on the seal, which reads "LeYehoʼezer ben Hoshʼayahu," provides further insight into the identity of its owner. The name Yehoʼezer is familiar from the Bible, appearing in the abbreviated form of Yoʼezer, one of King David's fighters.

"The name Yehoʼezer is familiar to us from the Bible in its abbreviated form – Yoʼezer, one of King David's fighters," said Baruch. "In the book of Jeremiah, describing the events of this very period, a person is mentioned with a parallel name, ʼAzariah ben Hoshʼaya. This writing form in the text fits the name on the newly discovered seal and it is thus appropriate for this time period."

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

The discovery of this stone seal is not only a rare and unusual find but also adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that literacy was more widespread during the First Temple period than previously thought.

"Contrary to what may be commonly thought, it seems that literacy in this period was not the realm only of society’s elite," said Baruch. "People knew how to read and write – at least at the basic level, for the needs of commerce."

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

Ancient Stone Seal Unearthed in Israel, Providing Insight into First Temple Era Literacy

This discovery is a testament to the vibrancy and cultural richness of the First Temple period in Jerusalem. The seal, with its exquisite craftsmanship and historical significance, provides a glimpse into the lives of the individuals who inhabited the city over two millennia ago. It serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of this ancient civilization and its continued relevance to our understanding of human history and cultural development.