Anthropologist Warns Transgenderism is Derailing Science

Elizabeth Weiss, an anthropology professor at San José State University, argues that transgenderism is taking over the field of anthropology and dismissing facts about biological sex. She contends that activists are pushing a radical gender ideology that is not based on science.

Elizabeth Weiss, an anthropology professor at San José State University, argues that transgenderism is taking over the field of anthropology and dismissing facts about biological sex. She contends that activists are pushing a radical gender ideology that is not based on science.

In a recent article, Weiss writes that transgenderism is "throwing science off the rails." She argues that the transgender movement is based on the idea that gender is a social construct, rather than a biological fact. This idea, she says, is not supported by science.

Anthropologist Warns Transgenderism is Derailing Science

Anthropologist Warns Transgenderism is Derailing Science

Weiss cites a number of studies that show that there are significant biological differences between men and women. These differences include brain structure, hormone levels, and muscle mass. She argues that these differences cannot be explained by social factors, such as upbringing or culture.

Weiss also argues that the transgender movement is silencing dissenting voices. She says that scientists who question the transgender orthodoxy are often met with hostility and intimidation. This, she says, is creating a climate of fear and self-censorship in the field of anthropology.

Anthropologist Warns Transgenderism is Derailing Science

Anthropologist Warns Transgenderism is Derailing Science

Weiss's article has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised her for speaking out against the transgender movement, while others have accused her of being transphobic. However, her article has sparked a much-needed debate about the role of science in the transgender movement.

In April 2023, the UK's National Health Service (NHS) published the Cass Review, a comprehensive report on the care of children and young people with gender identity disorders. The report found that medical professionals reported "no guidance, no evidence, no training" regarding gender disorders and were "afraid" to discuss the topic.

Anthropologist Warns Transgenderism is Derailing Science

Anthropologist Warns Transgenderism is Derailing Science

The Cass Review also found that puberty blockers did not help youth suffering from gender dysphoria feel better about their bodies, noting that evidence on the treatments' mental effects was insufficient. This finding sparked backlash from activists and politicians who insisted that its researchers intentionally ignored crucial scholarship.

In response to the Cass Review, the NHS announced that it would be opening six new gender identity clinics by 2026 that will "provide tailored gender services." The new clinics will reportedly focus more on providing a "holistic" approach that includes supporting kids with mental health conditions.

The Tavistock Clinic in London was the UK's only dedicated gender identity clinic for children and young people. However, it was ordered to shut its doors in July 2022 amid safety concerns raised in the Cass Report.

The Cass Report found that the Tavistock Clinic was rushing children into transgender procedures without proper assessment or consent. It also found that the clinic was not providing adequate support for children who were struggling with their gender identity.

The closure of the Tavistock Clinic has been met with mixed reactions. Some have welcomed the closure, saying that it will protect children from being rushed into irreversible medical procedures. Others have criticized the closure, saying that it will leave transgender children without access to essential care.

The future of transgender healthcare is uncertain. The NHS is currently reviewing its adult gender services, and it is possible that the new clinics will provide a more holistic and evidence-based approach to care. However, it is also possible that the transgender movement will continue to push for radical gender ideology that is not based on science.

It is important to have a scientific and evidence-based approach to transgender healthcare. This means that we need to continue to research the causes and effects of gender dysphoria, and we need to develop treatments that are safe and effective. We also need to respect the rights of all people, regardless of their gender identity.