Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

Police officers detained demonstrators protesting the Israeli government's actions in Gaza after they gathered in the Cannon Rotunda on Tuesday. This incident occurred before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress amid the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Video footage captured police arresting anti-Israel protesters who had gathered in the Cannon Rotunda on Tuesday afternoon to demonstrate against the Israeli government. The arrests occurred as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, while his country continues its fight against the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

The conflict began on October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched a deadly attack on Israeli civilians, resulting in over 1,300 fatalities and the capture of hundreds of hostages. The United States has supported Israel in its efforts against Hamas, despite some divisions within the Democratic Party.

As part of a $95 billion foreign aid package approved in April, the United States provided approximately $15 billion in military assistance to Israel. Netanyahu departed for the United States on Monday, emphasizing the importance of the visit amid Israel's ongoing battles on multiple fronts and political instability in Washington.

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

"I am leaving this morning on a very important trip to the United States at a time when Israel is fighting on seven fronts and when there's great political uncertainty in Washington," Netanyahu stated before his departure. "I will address, for the fourth time, both houses of Congress as prime minister of Israel."

The humanitarian toll on Gaza during Israel's military operations against Hamas has been a source of concern for those critical of the Israeli government. Netanyahu will be the first world leader to address a joint congressional session on four separate occasions.

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

However, several prominent politicians will be absent from the event, including Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), the vice presidential nominee on the Republican ticket alongside former President Donald Trump, will also be absent. "Senator Vance stands steadfastly with the people of Israel in their fight to defend their homeland, eradicate terrorist threats, and bring back their countrymen held hostage," said Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller in a statement.

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

Harris, as president of the Senate, traditionally presides over joint sessions of Congress alongside the Speaker of the House. However, she will not be present for Netanyahu's address and has scheduled an event in Indiana. Her office declined to clarify whether she would have presided if present.

In the event of Harris' absence, President pro tempore Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) was expected to preside, but she too will be boycotting the event. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin (D-Md.) will preside in her stead.

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at Cannon Rotunda Ahead of Netanyahu's Address

During his time in Washington, Netanyahu will hold separate meetings with President Biden, Vice President Harris, and former President Trump. His meeting with Biden and Harris will take place in Washington, D.C., while his meeting with Trump will occur at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.