Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Pelosi Interview with Colbert

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was interrupted by anti-Israel agitators on Wednesday during a late-night interview with Stephen Colbert, highlighting the ongoing tensions over Israel's conflict with Hamas. Colbert initially addressed the protesters and called for a commercial break, but the demonstrators continued to interrupt Pelosi's responses to questions about foreign policy and the Middle East crisis.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's late-night interview with Stephen Colbert was abruptly interrupted on Wednesday by anti-Israel agitators, injecting a moment of political upheaval into the discussion of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and other pressing topics.

As Pelosi was answering a question about her involvement in persuading former Vice President Joe Biden to drop out of the Democratic presidential primary, shouts and interruptions could be heard from the audience. Colbert immediately acknowledged the protesters, stating, "For the people who can't tell, there's a protest going on in the audience."

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Pelosi Interview with Colbert

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Pelosi Interview with Colbert

"We're actually at a commercial break, and the-the subject is on Israel and Palestine and if you have a seat, we have to go to the commercial break," Colbert explained. "When we come back, I'll ask the next question I had on that subject, if you'll listen."

Anti-Israel protesters have been demonstrating outside the DNC all week, as Chicago prepares for the event with a heavy police presence and a fence surrounding the venue. The demonstrators have expressed their opposition to Israel's ongoing conflict with Hamas, which has resulted in a barrage of rocket attacks on Israeli cities and retaliatory airstrikes on targets in the Gaza Strip.

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Pelosi Interview with Colbert

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Pelosi Interview with Colbert

After the commercial break, Colbert resumed the interview and asked Pelosi about the role of the United States in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Pelosi emphasized Biden's foreign policy experience and stressed the importance of a two-state solution, but the protesters interrupted again and shouted back at her.

"As you can see from the continuing protest out here, that answer is unsatisfying to some people," Colbert remarked. "Would you like to respond to what they're saying?"

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Pelosi Interview with Colbert

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Pelosi Interview with Colbert

Pelosi argued for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and called for an end to the bloodshed. The protesters, however, remained vocal and continued to interrupt Pelosi's responses.

"Please don't interrupt my guest," Colbert interjected. "Madame Speaker, we're a live show, and we have to go at this point. Please come again and we can continue the conversation."

Colbert, who has been a vocal supporter of Biden and the Democratic Party, is currently hosting his show from Chicago for the DNC. The interruption by anti-Israel protesters highlighted the ongoing tensions and divisions surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, which continues to be a contentious issue within American politics.