Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

Twenty-six anti-Israel protesters have been charged with various offenses, including felony conspiracy and false imprisonment, after shutting down the Golden Gate Bridge for nearly five hours in April. The protest resulted in hundreds of drivers being trapped, including a mother with her baby and a surgeon who had to reschedule an operation.

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins has announced the indictment of 26 individuals in connection with an anti-Israel protest that crippled traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge for almost five hours on April 15, 2024.

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

The charges include eight felony conspiracy counts, along with multiple misdemeanors such as false imprisonment, trespassing, obstruction, unlawful assembly, and disobeying police orders. Arrest warrants have been issued for all suspects, who must surrender to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) by Monday.

"While we must protect avenues for free speech, its exercise cannot compromise public safety," Jenkins declared. "The demonstration on the Golden Gate Bridge posed extreme threats to the health and welfare of those trapped, which we cannot ignore or allow."

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

According to court documents, hundreds of vehicles and pedestrians blocked traffic on the bridge's southbound lanes near the mid-span. The bridge captain warned the protesters they were breaking the law and would be arrested if they refused to move.

However, one individual wearing a neon safety vest and identified as Sara Cantor informed the captain that the protesters were chained together and would not move until the fire department freed them.

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

Law enforcement dialogue yielded no solution, prompting CHP personnel to cut into one of the metal tubes locked around the protesters' vehicles. The remaining protesters subsequently surrendered after speaking with Cantor.

The bridge closure resulted in the entrapment of 35 victims, including a mother with an infant formula shortage and a surgeon forced to cancel surgeries. The ordeal also caused over $162,000 in losses for the bridge, which typically accommodates 12,000 vehicles southbound and 8,000 northbound during the affected hours.

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

Anti-Israel Protesters Indicted for Disrupting Golden Gate Bridge Traffic

The anti-Israel protesters have a history of disrupting public spaces to advance their agenda. In a separate incident, a group of them blocked the Senate cafeteria, leading to the arrest of approximately 50 individuals.

District Attorney Jenkins has emphasized the importance of protecting public safety while upholding free speech rights. The charges against the anti-Israel protesters underscore the consequences of illegal actions that jeopardize the well-being of others.