Anti-Israel Protesters Occupy Building on Rhode Island Campus, Democrats Linked to Protest Groups

As anti-Israel protests continue to spread across college campuses and cities, it has been revealed that several House Democrats facing tough re-election fights have accepted funds from a major political family that has bankrolled some of the groups involved in these demonstrations.

Anti-Israel Protesters Occupy Building on Rhode Island Campus, Democrats Linked to Protest Groups

Anti-Israel protests have escalated across college campuses and cities, sparking widespread condemnation and resulting in numerous arrests. Amidst this turmoil, a new revelation has surfaced, linking several House Democrats facing challenging re-election campaigns to the funding of organizations involved in these demonstrations.

According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Pritzker family, renowned for their ownership of Hyatt Hotels Corporation and their substantial wealth, has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars this election cycle to vulnerable Democrats, as well as organizations dedicated to winning a majority in the House of Representatives.

Anti-Israel Protesters Occupy Building on Rhode Island Campus, Democrats Linked to Protest Groups

However, the Pritzker family's financial support has not been limited to political candidates. They have also generously donated to organizations actively participating in anti-Israel protests, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest.

One such group is the Climate Justice Alliance, which has joined marches and employed the derogatory term "Genocide Joe" to denounce President Biden's approach towards the Israel-Gaza conflict. Another recipient of Pritzker funding is Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, which has promoted anti-Israel demonstrations.

Anti-Israel Protesters Occupy Building on Rhode Island Campus, Democrats Linked to Protest Groups

The Immigrant Defense Project, another organization benefiting from Pritzker donations, engaged in a protest in Washington, D.C., earlier this year, leading to arrests. Beyond direct funding, the Pritzkers, along with liberal billionaire George Soros, have emerged as prominent supporters of the Tides Foundation, a left-wing organization that funds various progressive groups.

Adalah Justice Project, a participant in the recent protest at Columbia University, has received funding from the Tides Foundation. The list of Democrats receiving financial aid from the Pritzkers includes Representatives Mary Peltola, Mike Levin, Eric Sorensen, Sharice Davids, Gabe Vasquez, Marcy Kaptur, Susan Wild, Matt Cartwright, Chris Deluzio, and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez.

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez's campaign has responded to concerns, stating her unwavering support for Israel's defense and her opposition to violent protests. Fox News Digital has reached out to all aforementioned candidates, party organizations, and members of the Pritzker family for comment.

These revelations have sparked further scrutiny of the potential influence of political contributions on protests and activism. Questions have been raised regarding the extent of coordination between organizations receiving Pritzker funding and the anti-Israel protests.

The ongoing investigation aims to shed light on these connections and examine whether there has been any improper use of funds intended for political campaigns. As the probes continue, the intersection between campaign financing and the anti-Israel protests remains a subject of intense debate, highlighting the complex and evolving landscape of political activism.