Anti-Israel Protests Harbor Disturbing "Anti-Civilization Element

Independent journalist Michael Shellenberger raises concerns about the "anti-civilization element" present in recent anti-Israel demonstrations, highlighting the erosion of fundamental societal values.

Anti-Israel Protests Harbor Disturbing

In the wake of the recent wave of anti-Israel protests that swept across the United States, independent journalist Michael Shellenberger has sounded the alarm about the presence of an "anti-civilization element" within these demonstrations. Shellenberger, renowned for his role in the "Twitter Files" revelations, expressed deep concerns about the threats these protests pose to the very foundations of society.

During his address at the Dissident Dialogues festival in New York City, Shellenberger outlined the essential pillars of a civilization: law and order, meritocracy, cheap energy, free speech, free and fair elections, free enterprise, and equal justice under the law. He emphasized that these precepts underpin a liberal democratic society.

Anti-Israel Protests Harbor Disturbing

According to Shellenberger, these pillars are facing unprecedented challenges from individuals driven by a "secular religion" that views humanity as a blight on the planet and inherently oppressive. He believes that this ideology fuels the volatile behavior witnessed during the protests.

Despite acknowledging the genuine distress felt by college students regarding the conflict in Gaza, Shellenberger condemned the destructive actions taken by some protesters. He cited the targeting of campuses, which serve as symbols of privilege and intellectual discourse, as evidence of an anti-civilization mindset.

Anti-Israel Protests Harbor Disturbing

Shellenberger stressed that freedom of speech does not extend to preventing others from exercising their rights, such as the right to move freely on campus. He highlighted the delicate balance between free expression and the incitement of violence.

Moreover, Shellenberger criticized university leaders for departing from their commitment to ideological and political neutrality. He urged them to reaffirm that universities should be havens for open debate and inquiry, regardless of one's political stance.

Anti-Israel Protests Harbor Disturbing

Shellenberger emphasized the importance of respecting institutions, such as universities. He fears that the disrespect and disorder witnessed on campuses could erode public support for higher education and undermine the value of academic discourse.

In conclusion, Michael Shellenberger's analysis of the anti-Israel protests raises profound questions about the health of our society. He urges us to reject the "anti-civilization element" that threatens to unravel the fabric of our communities and institutions.