Anti-Israel Protests Linked to Antisemitism, Campaign Adviser Controversy

Anti-Israel protests have sparked concerns about antisemitism, as a Democratic candidate's campaign adviser draws attention for attending an event with a notorious antisemite. The Jewish organization StopAntisemitism has denounced the adviser's affiliation with Louis Farrakhan, demanding her removal from the campaign.

Anti-Israel Protests Linked to Antisemitism, Campaign Adviser Controversy

Anti-Israel protests have reignited concerns about antisemitism, and a recent controversy surrounding a campaign adviser for a Democratic Senate candidate has brought the issue to the forefront.

Anti-Israel Protests Linked to Antisemitism, Campaign Adviser Controversy

The Jewish organization StopAntisemitism has raised the alarm over Terra DeFoe, the deputy political director for Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who reportedly attended the Nation of Islam's "Saviours' Day Convention" and posted a photo with Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, has a history of making antisemitic and homophobic remarks.

"It is beyond alarming that a major U.S. Senate candidate and sitting member of Congress employs political staff who associate with Louis Farrakhan," said Liora Rez, founder and executive director of StopAntisemitism.

Anti-Israel Protests Linked to Antisemitism, Campaign Adviser Controversy

Slotkin's campaign has been under scrutiny since a Fox News Digital report revealed DeFoe's attendance at the Nation of Islam event. The report also stated that DeFoe had received nearly $60,000 from Slotkin's campaign.

StopAntisemitism has called on Slotkin to remove DeFoe and implement thorough vetting processes to prevent such associations in the future. The organization also emphasized the responsibility of the press in demanding answers about how Slotkin became affiliated with individuals with such radical views.

Anti-Israel Protests Linked to Antisemitism, Campaign Adviser Controversy

Chris Gustafson, communications director for a former House Republican running for Senate in Michigan, criticized Slotkin for employing DeFoe.

"Elissa Slotkin likes to talk a big game on being a national security expert, yet she can’t even secure her own campaign from the antisemites that are taking over the Democrat Party," Gustafson said.

Brooke Goldstein, CEO of the Lawfare Project and founder of the End Jew Hatred Movement, expressed concern that supporters of Jew-hatred like DeFoe hold positions of trust and authority.

"It is inexcusable that anyone supports Louis Farrakhan's venomous hate, but all the more troubling that supporters like Terra DeFoe are in a position of trust and authority among elected officials," Goldstein said.

She also called on Slotkin to demonstrate her commitment to equality by terminating DeFoe's employment.

"We don’t need equivocation or justification on the part of elected representatives like Slotkin, any more than we need inaction. Failure to impose consequences on blatant Jew-hatred and anti-Americanism will have a significant impact on Election Day," Goldstein added.

Slotkin's Senate campaign and House office did not respond to requests for comment from Fox News Digital. The controversy surrounding DeFoe's association with Farrakhan highlights the growing concerns about antisemitism within political circles and the need for vigilance against hate-filled rhetoric.