Anti-Semitism Thrives in Democratic Party Amid Tepid Response to Anti-Israel Protests

Republican Congressman Darrell Issa denounces President Biden's lackluster response to anti-Israel protests on college campuses, citing it as evidence of rising anti-Semitism within the Democratic Party. Issa calls on Biden to disavow donors linked to the protests and urges him to take decisive action against campus violence.

Anti-Semitism Thrives in Democratic Party Amid Tepid Response to Anti-Israel Protests

Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) expresses deep disappointment over President Biden's tepid response to the anti-Israel protests erupting on college campuses across the nation. Issa contends that Biden's failure to condemn the protests and reject donations from progressive groups fueling them is a clear indication of the growing anti-Semitism within the Democratic Party.

Anti-Semitism Thrives in Democratic Party Amid Tepid Response to Anti-Israel Protests

According to Issa, the protests have been orchestrated by organizations backed by progressive donors, including George Soros, who have also supported the Democratic Party and Biden's presidential campaign. Issa believes that Biden's silence on the matter emboldens anti-Semitic elements within the party.

"If the president would come out, whether it's George Soros or a host of other supporters and be honest and say that, you know, not only would he send the money back but he wants them to stop funding people who support violence it would be a huge help," Issa stated. "I don't expect him to do it."

Anti-Semitism Thrives in Democratic Party Amid Tepid Response to Anti-Israel Protests

Issa further argues that the Democratic Party's tepid response to the protests exemplifies the rise of anti-Semitism within the party. He points to the growing influence of progressive members such as "The Squad," who have expressed support for anti-Israel rhetoric and policies.

"The growth of The Squad and people who think the same and are willing to talk the same, or at least support them has certainly caused people to realize that the party of the Democrats of Robert F Kennedy, John Kennedy and for that matter of Steny Hoyer is gone," Issa said.

Anti-Semitism Thrives in Democratic Party Amid Tepid Response to Anti-Israel Protests

"They're no longer willing to stand up for Israel or against anti-Semitism and it's now coming home to be seen in these incredible amounts of votes where they won't support Israel."

Issa criticizes President Biden's lack of action, particularly his nine-day delay in addressing the anti-Israel violence on campus. He asserts that Biden's desire to appease both sides has allowed the protests to escalate.

"I think President Biden is trying to placate both sides, tell both sides that he's in the middle," Issa said. "He's managed to upset the Middle Eastern community many of whom wanted decisive action and the Israel and pro-Israel community who see him as hurting the effort to bring to an end, if you will, Hamas and their allies."

Issa draws parallels between the current campus unrest and the protests and violence at Kent State University in 1970, during which he was a high school student. He expresses concern that history is repeating itself, as elite professors may be supporting the anti-Semitism on campus.

Issa calls upon governors to take swift action against campus violence and urges President Biden to unequivocally condemn the anti-Israel protests. He warns that the inaction and appeasement will only further embolden anti-Semitic sentiments within the Democratic Party.