Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

A Harvard University graduate and expert on antisemitism, Shabbos Kestenbaum, warns that the rise of antisemitism in America will continue unabated unless meaningful political action is taken. He highlights the presence of antisemitic figures within the Biden administration and their connections to notorious hate groups like the Nation of Islam.

Antisemitism is on the rise in America, and unless there is real political change, it will only get worse. That's the warning from Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Harvard University graduate and expert on antisemitism.

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

"It's no longer enough to simply condemn antisemitism," Kestenbaum said. "We need to take real action to address the root causes of this hatred."

One of the most concerning recent developments is the presence of antisemitic figures within the Biden administration. For example, Terence Muhammad, the lead events and field coordinator for the nonprofit Hip Hop Caucus, has praised Louis Farrakhan, a notorious antisemite who has compared Jews to termites and called them "Satanic."

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

Muhammad has posed for photos with EPA Administrator Michael Regan and Hip Hop Caucus President and CEO Lennox Yearwood, who once referred to Muhammad as one of Farrakhan's "top soldiers."

The Hip Hop Caucus has been involved in key Biden administration policy decisions, raising concerns about the potential influence of antisemitic views within the government.

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

"It's outrageous that an organization with ties to a hate group like the Nation of Islam is advising the White House on environmental justice," Kestenbaum said. "This sends a dangerous message that it's acceptable to tolerate antisemitism."

President Biden has condemned antisemitism on numerous occasions, but Kestenbaum believes that words are not enough. "The president needs to take concrete steps to address this issue," he said. "He needs to fire any administration officials with ties to hate groups and implement policies that promote tolerance and understanding."

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

Antisemitism Threatens to Escalate if Political Change Fails

Kestenbaum also called on Congress to pass legislation that would combat antisemitism. "We need to send a clear message that Jew-hatred will not be tolerated," he said.

Unfortunately, the fight against antisemitism is not limited to the United States. In Europe, antisemitic incidents have been on the rise in recent years. In 2021, there were over 2,300 antisemitic incidents reported in the European Union, a 30% increase from the previous year.

The rise of antisemitism is a global problem that requires a global solution. Kestenbaum urged world leaders to join together to fight this scourge. "We must not let antisemitism prevail," he said. "We must stand up for the Jewish people and for the values of tolerance and understanding."

Here are some specific actions that Kestenbaum recommends taking to combat antisemitism:

* **Educate yourself about antisemitism.** There are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you learn more about the history and nature of antisemitism.

* **Speak out against antisemitism.** When you see or hear antisemitic言论, don't be afraid to speak out. Call out the bigoted comments and make it clear that antisemitism is not acceptable.

* **Support organizations that fight antisemitism.** There are many organizations that are working to combat antisemitism. You can support these organizations by donating your time or money.

* **Be an ally to the Jewish people.** Let the Jewish people know that you stand with them and that you will not tolerate antisemitism.

By taking these actions, we can help to create a world where antisemitism is no longer tolerated.