AOC's 'Lawfare Jihad' and Comey's Biden Endorsement: 'The Five' Reacts

'The Five' co-hosts react to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's "ankle monitor bracelet" comments and former FBI director James Comey urging voters to re-elect President Biden in November.

AOC's 'Lawfare Jihad' and Comey's Biden Endorsement: 'The Five' Reacts

In a fiery episode of "The Five," co-hosts Jesse Watters, Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, and Juan Williams tackled the latest political controversies, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's disparaging remarks about Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and former FBI Director James Comey's endorsement of President Biden.

Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive Democrat, drew criticism for suggesting that Alito had inspired Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's upside-down American flag post. The flag had become a symbol of protest against the conviction of former President Donald Trump in a New York trial.

AOC's 'Lawfare Jihad' and Comey's Biden Endorsement: 'The Five' Reacts

Gutfeld, the show's host, accused Ocasio-Cortez of engaging in "lawfare jihad" against conservatives, arguing that she was using her position to attack the judiciary. He condemned her comments about Alito, saying, "She's trying to intimidate Supreme Court justices."

Perino, a former White House press secretary, defended Alito, calling him a "brilliant legal mind" who deserved to be treated with respect. She dismissed Ocasio-Cortez's claims as "nonsense."

AOC's 'Lawfare Jihad' and Comey's Biden Endorsement: 'The Five' Reacts

Williams, a liberal commentator, defended Ocasio-Cortez's right to criticize Alito but cautioned against making wild accusations. He said, "I think it's fair game to question his judgment, but I don't think it's fair to accuse him of being a threat to our democracy."

Turning to Comey's endorsement of Biden, Gutfeld mocked the former FBI director for his role in the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email scandal. He said, "Comey is the guy who gave Hillary Clinton a blowjob in public."

Perino, however, praised Comey's record of service and said she respected his decision to endorse Biden. She argued that Comey's endorsement was a sign that moderate Republicans were willing to support Biden in the upcoming election.

Williams expressed skepticism about the impact of Comey's endorsement, saying, "I don't think it's going to make a big difference. People are going to vote for Biden or Trump based on their own reasons."

The co-hosts also discussed the latest developments in the Trump Organization criminal trial and the ongoing investigation into the January 6th Capitol riot. They expressed concern about the potential consequences for Trump if he is convicted, but also acknowledged that the evidence against him was mounting.

In conclusion, "The Five" co-hosts engaged in a lively and informative debate about the latest political controversies, offering their perspectives and insights on the issues shaping the upcoming midterm elections.