Arizona Woman Evades Jail Time for Poisoning Air Force Husband with Bleach

Melody Felicano Johnson, 40, pleaded guilty to two counts of poisoning her husband's coffee but avoided prison due to a plea deal that includes mandatory mental health treatment.

Arizona Woman Evades Jail Time for Poisoning Air Force Husband with Bleach

Arizona Woman Evades Jail Time for Poisoning Air Force Husband with Bleach

An Arizona woman has avoided jail time for poisoning her Air Force husband by pouring bleach into his coffee, despite initially facing charges of attempted murder. Melody Felicano Johnson, 40, pleaded guilty to two lesser counts of adding a harmful substance to food or drink and was sentenced to probation with mandatory mental health treatment.

Arizona Woman Evades Jail Time for Poisoning Air Force Husband with Bleach

Johnson's husband, Roby Johnson, discovered the poisoning attempt after noticing an unusual taste in his coffee. He conducted tests using pool strips, revealing high chlorine levels. Suspecting foul play, Roby installed hidden cameras in their home, capturing footage of his wife pouring bleach into his coffee machine.

Melody's actions were allegedly motivated by a desire to collect death benefits from her husband's Air Force insurance policy, according to court documents. The couple was undergoing a divorce at the time of the poisoning attempts.

Arizona Woman Evades Jail Time for Poisoning Air Force Husband with Bleach

Melody was initially charged with attempted first-degree murder, aggravated assault, and adding harmful substances to food, drink, or medicine. However, she agreed to a plea deal that reduced the charges to two counts of a lesser felony, avoiding a potential prison sentence.

The sentence imposed on Melody includes mandatory mental health treatment, which goes into effect immediately. She is prohibited from contacting her husband unless a legal team is present.

Arizona Woman Evades Jail Time for Poisoning Air Force Husband with Bleach

Roby Johnson expressed his belief that his wife intended to kill him, while Melody has denied any malicious intent. The couple has a child together.

The case of Melody Johnson highlights the dangers of domestic violence and the legal complexities involved in such situations. While Melody avoided jail time, her actions have had a profound impact on her husband and family.

The incident underscores the importance of seeking help if you are experiencing domestic violence, whether you are the victim or the perpetrator. Resources are available to provide support and guidance to those affected by this devastating issue.

Melody Johnson's probation and mandatory mental health treatment offer an opportunity for her to address the underlying issues that led to her actions. It remains to be seen whether she will take advantage of this opportunity and make amends for the harm she has caused.