Arizona's School Choice Success: Addressing Budget Concerns

For years, opponents of school choice have predicted that Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) would drain the state's budget. However, Arizona's recent education budget surplus has demonstrated otherwise, showing that school choice can actually reduce costs.

Arizona's battle over school choice has taken a significant turn due to overwhelming evidence indicating that the policy is more affordable than previously claimed. Opponents of the state's universal school voucher program have been claiming that it will "bankrupt" Arizona, but the reality is quite different.

Arizona's School Choice Success: Addressing Budget Concerns

Arizona's School Choice Success: Addressing Budget Concerns

Since the expansion of ESAs to all K-12 students, Arizona has experienced a massive overall state budget surplus and net savings in its state education funding formula. The typical ESA student receives about $7,500 annually, compared to the more than $12,000 per pupil allocated to public schools.

Critics have argued that ESAs have created a budget deficit, but the latest figures tell a different story. According to the nonpartisan Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC), the ESA program spent $92 million over budget in the past year, but the surge in ESA enrollment coincided with a reduction in public school enrollment, saving the state $93 million.

Arizona's School Choice Success: Addressing Budget Concerns

Arizona's School Choice Success: Addressing Budget Concerns

Moreover, the JLBC estimated a net savings of over $350,000 relative to the enacted budget for fiscal year 2024. These savings are conservative estimates as the analysis only reviewed the basic state aid formula and did not consider additional ESA savings from other funding sources.

On August 26, the Arizona Department of Education released revised budget figures showing a surplus of $4.3 million. This surplus is a clear indication that the sky is not falling and that any budget woes Arizona faced were not caused by its school choice policy.

Arizona's School Choice Success: Addressing Budget Concerns

Arizona's School Choice Success: Addressing Budget Concerns

Lawmakers in other states considering school choice policies should dismiss the fears spread by opponents. Arizona's experience has shown that school choice can actually lead to budget savings, while providing families with more options and improving student outcomes.

The universal school voucher program has proven to be sustainable and affordable in Arizona. Opponents' claims have been disproven, and lawmakers in other states should embrace school choice as a means to improve education and fiscal responsibility.