Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Despite some residents downplaying the issue, many Atlantans express concerns about the city's escalating crime rate, citing a surge in violent offenses and a pervasive sense of insecurity.

Atlanta, Georgia, has become a city divided by perceptions of crime. While some residents dismiss concerns about rising crime rates, many others express deep trepidation, citing a surge in violent offenses and a pervasive sense of insecurity.

Chelsea, a lifelong Atlantan, shared her concerns with Fox News Digital, describing the city as "really rough" and "really scary." She lamented the decline in safety, stating, "It used to be more safe than the Atlanta now. It used to be certain areas where you go you feel safe, now its everywhere you don't feel safe. Even in the nice neighborhoods, you don't feel safe."

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Avery, a gentleman accompanying Chelsea, echoed her sentiments, declaring, "I don't feel safe in my own city. I don't." The lifelong resident expressed his dismay at the deteriorating safety situation, which has left him on edge.

Audrey, a Georgia State student, shared similar concerns. She observed that crime has become more prevalent in recent years, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. "It's gotten worse," she said. When asked if she feels safe, she replied, "not really."

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Audrey expressed particular concern for small business owners, who she believes may be deterred from coming to Atlanta due to the perceived safety risks. "I can imagine they would be terrified," she said.

In contrast, some residents believe that the crime situation in Atlanta is not as severe as others make it out to be. Marcus, who moved to Atlanta to work in hospitality, said he feels "it is just like every other city." He acknowledged that crime is an issue, but argued that it is not unique to Atlanta.

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Lamar, a student at Georgia State University, agreed, stating, "I think it's been moderate." He maintained that while improvements could be made, the city overall is not unsafe.

Marcellus, another student, said that crime "fluctuates" in the city. He acknowledged that there had been some increase in crime, but also noted a rise in online scams.

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

Atlanta Residents Grapple with Rising Crime, Fear for Safety

However, a recent study by the Department of Justice paints a different picture. The survey found that violent crimes increased dramatically during the Biden-Harris administration. Across the board, the total instances of reported violent crimes increased from 5.6 per 1,000 individuals aged 12 and over in 2020 to 8.7 per 1,000 in 2023.

Whether perceptions of crime in Atlanta are accurate or not, they undoubtedly have a profound impact on the lives of residents. Many Atlantans live in fear, constantly looking over their shoulders and avoiding certain areas of the city. The city's image as a safe and vibrant destination has been tarnished, and residents and businesses alike are calling for solutions to address the escalating crime problem.