Aurora Apartment Building Takeover Highlights Problems with Sanctuary Policies

A vacant elementary school building in Denver, Colorado, may be turned into a migrant shelter, raising concerns among GOP lawmakers and local officials about the potential impact on public safety. The situation in Aurora, where an apartment building has been overrun by alleged gang members, is being cited as an example of the problems that can arise from sanctuary policies.

The seizure of an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado, by alleged members of the Tren de Aragua gang has become a flashpoint in the ongoing debate over sanctuary policies. The incident has raised concerns about the potential impact of these policies on public safety and the influx of migrants into the United States.

GOP lawmakers have sounded the alarm on sanctuary city and open border policies in light of the transnational gang activity in Colorado. The Tren de Aragua gang has been involved in apartment takeovers in Aurora, as seen in viral surveillance video that surfaced last week.

Aurora Apartment Building Takeover Highlights Problems with Sanctuary Policies

Aurora Apartment Building Takeover Highlights Problems with Sanctuary Policies

"The situation in Aurora, Colorado, is just the tip of the iceberg of the problems that come with the Biden-Harris administration's open border policies. While gangs overrun our cities, Gov. Polis and Mayor Coffman are complicit in the violence unfolding there that is putting Americans in danger," Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna told Fox News Digital.

"These criminals are reportedly involved in human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors. We must quickly put an end to the wave of illegal aliens pouring into our country and ensure that justice is served for the victims of these monstrous acts."

Aurora Apartment Building Takeover Highlights Problems with Sanctuary Policies

Aurora Apartment Building Takeover Highlights Problems with Sanctuary Policies

Four Venezuelan nationals confirmed to be involved with Tren de Aragua were arrested in Aurora in a shooting outside one of the overtaken apartment buildings on July 28.

In a letter shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation, GOP lawmakers wrote, "The Biden-Harris Administration’s open border policies coupled with the state of Colorado’s sanctuary policies and the city of Denver’s sanctuary city status have fueled and exasperated the immigration crisis in Colorado."

Aurora Apartment Building Takeover Highlights Problems with Sanctuary Policies

Aurora Apartment Building Takeover Highlights Problems with Sanctuary Policies

The letter continued, "Multiple local elected officials and the nonpartisan Perkins Coie law firm that was hired to investigate the takeover have confirmed numerous criminal acts committed by TdA gang members including threats of murder, robbery, extortion, trespassing, assaults and battery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, drug related crimes, stolen vehicles, human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors."

Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky told Fox News Digital, "Denver's sanctuary policies and their approach to handling this migrant crisis is further exacerbating the problem and continuing to put American kids last."

The concerns raised by GOP lawmakers and local officials highlight the ongoing debate over sanctuary policies and their potential impact on public safety. The seizure of the apartment building in Aurora has brought the issue to the forefront, prompting calls for a reassessment of these policies.

In related news, a vacant elementary school building in Denver is being considered as a potential migrant shelter. A spokesperson for Democratic Mayor Mike Johnston said the building has been "identified as a potential migrant shelter, but nothing is final and there's no paperwork," adding the city has been "looking for buildings that would be suited as an emergency shelter."

A spokesperson for Denver Public Schools, which owns the vacant building, told Fox News, "No determination has been made yet."

The consideration of the former school building as a migrant shelter has also raised concerns among some residents and local officials. They argue that the city should focus on addressing the needs of its current population before taking on additional responsibilities.

The debate over the migrant shelter proposal is expected to continue as the city weighs the potential benefits and risks involved.