Aurora Masters, 5-Year-Old Colorado Girl, Laid to Rest After Swing Accident Tragedy

Aurora Masters, 5, died on May 13 after being strangled by the rope of a disc swing in a backyard accident. Her family found comfort through her organ donation, which allows her heart to "beat somewhere."

Aurora Masters, 5-Year-Old Colorado Girl, Laid to Rest After Swing Accident Tragedy

Aurora Masters, a 5-year-old girl from Fort Collins, Colorado, was laid to rest on Saturday, a month after she was tragically strangled by the rope of a disc swing in a backyard accident. Aurora's family has found solace in the donation of her organs, providing the hope that her heart continues to beat in someone else.

Her great-aunt, Brenda Kennedy, remembers Aurora as a vibrant and spirited child who "lived her best life every day." Kennedy emphasized the importance of teaching children kindness and compassion, highlighting Aurora's positive impact on those around her.

Aurora Masters, 5-Year-Old Colorado Girl, Laid to Rest After Swing Accident Tragedy

Despite the devastating nature of the accident, Kennedy acknowledges that "tragedy happens in this life," and it's impossible to eliminate all risks. Aurora's mother, Krystal Masters, shared that Aurora had been playing outside for just 15 minutes before a neighbor informed her of the tragic event.

"I saw her in the tree with the swing wrapped around her neck," Krystal Masters recalled. Both she and Aurora's father, Tom Masters, experienced immense anguish and desperation, hoping that the situation would be different.

Aurora Masters, 5-Year-Old Colorado Girl, Laid to Rest After Swing Accident Tragedy

Unfortunately, oxygen deprivation caused permanent brain damage, and the family made the difficult decision to provide end-of-life care and donate Aurora's organs. Tom Masters expressed his pride in Aurora's legacy of giving, knowing that her heart continues to beat somewhere.

Aurora's organs were donated to Donor Alliance, an organization that facilitates organ and tissue transplantation in Colorado and Wyoming. The family finds comfort in knowing that Aurora's heart is helping someone else live a fuller life.

Aurora Masters, 5-Year-Old Colorado Girl, Laid to Rest After Swing Accident Tragedy

"We know that her heart is beating somewhere," Krystal Masters said. "It genuinely helps me to know that."

In the wake of Aurora's passing, her family has established a GoFundMe page to support their healing journey and celebrate her memory. The page describes Aurora as a "ray of sunshine" with a "ninja quality of bravery."

Aurora Masters, 5-Year-Old Colorado Girl, Laid to Rest After Swing Accident Tragedy

Videos posted to the memorial page showcase Aurora's love for freestyle rapping and dancing. Her mother shared that dancing was a daily ritual in their home, and Aurora's infectious joy brought smiles to everyone around her.

Aurora's father fondly remembers taking her to open mic nights, where she became known as "the music baby" for her enthusiastic participation. The family expressed gratitude for the support they have received from their community during this difficult time.

Krystal Masters shared her advice for parents: "Love your kids every minute, have a dance party and just live life. Because you never know when it's going away."

Aurora Masters' funeral service was held on June 8, with family and friends gathering to honor her life and legacy. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment we have with our loved ones.