Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Clear Robotics, a start-up company, has devised an innovative solution to the issue of marine pollution: autonomous robot boats. These vessels, known as Clearbots, are designed to efficiently remove waste and invasive plants from waterways.

Are you appalled by the sight of floating debris and trash in your local waterways? Clear Robotics, a company founded by two university graduates, is tackling this environmental issue head-on with their innovative autonomous robot boats.

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

The Clearbot, Clear Robotics' signature vessel, is a robotic boat that uses its open bow to collect floating debris into onboard storage bins. This environmentally friendly solution automates the labor-intensive task of cleaning waterways.

Clear Robotics is expanding its fleet with the Class 3 Clearbot, an autonomous marine vessel with five times the onboard storage capacity of its predecessors. It can also tow an additional barge, extending its cleanup operations without frequent returns to port.

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

The Class 3 Clearbot is not limited to collecting floating waste. It has been engineered to combat invasive weeds like hyacinths and duckweed. This expands its capabilities in preserving clean and healthy local waters. Additionally, it can perform surveillance for water quality, oil and foam collection.

The Class 3 vessel boasts an impressive capacity, collecting up to 441 pounds of floating garbage per hour and storing up to 1,100 pounds onboard. With its towing barge, its per-trip payload can reach 1.5 tons. Its electric drive system maintains an average speed of 3.5 mph, while the 3-kWh battery pack supports up to eight hours of operation per charge. Solar panels enhance its efficiency, adding extra hours in sunny conditions.

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

The Class 3 Clearbot is equipped with a 1080p camera, lidar, and advanced sensors. It can be equipped with anti-collision software for fully autonomous operation. Its conveyor system collects floating debris, while a specialized cutter tackles invasive plants.

The Class 3 Clearbot's autonomous features include GPS waypoint mission path, fail-safe return to home, anti-collision software, and an AI-powered dashboard. These features allow users to monitor operations, track data, and make informed decisions.

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Clearbot has partnered with Kingspan Group to initiate sustainable cleaning operations on the Nonbah River in Nongstoin City, India. This partnership demonstrates the practical application and effectiveness of their autonomous trash collection technology.

As autonomous robotic solutions like Clearbot advance and costs decline, we may witness fleets of these "trash goblins" patrolling waterways worldwide, significantly reducing the millions of tons of waste that pollute our oceans and rivers annually. The rise of autonomous marine vessels offers hope for a cleaner and healthier future for our precious waterways.

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste

Have you witnessed the devastating effects of plastic pollution and floating debris in your local waterways? What innovative solutions do you envision for tackling this environmental crisis? Share your thoughts and ideas at

Autonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway WasteAutonomous Roboboats Wage War Against Waterway Waste