Behind the Plinko Madness: The Dizzying World of "Price is Right" Contestants

Longtime host Drew Carey lifts the veil on a hidden reality of the iconic game show, revealing that contestants often appear under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

In the vibrant and often surreal world of "The Price is Right," the energy of contestants and the excitement of the game often reach fever pitch. However, behind the scenes, there lies a less-known aspect of the show that longtime host Drew Carey has candidly shared: the prevalence of intoxicated or high contestants.

"That happens here all the time," Carey remarked in an interview with TV Insider. "They'll have a gummy, or I'll smell alcohol on their breath. Not unusual."

Behind the Plinko Madness: The Dizzying World of

Behind the Plinko Madness: The Dizzying World of "Price is Right" Contestants

Carey's account paints a revealing picture of the often unconventional nature of game show contestants. According to Carey, one memorable contestant appeared onstage under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms. The individual, accompanied by a group of friends, claimed to be a "skateboarding rabbi." Carey later encountered the same individual at an improv theater, where he was identified as a comedic performer.

"He didn't think he was going to get picked, and he totally tripped," Carey recalled.

Behind the Plinko Madness: The Dizzying World of

Behind the Plinko Madness: The Dizzying World of "Price is Right" Contestants

The host emphasized that such incidents are not uncommon, suggesting a surprising trend among contestants who seek to enhance their experience on the show.

Carey's revelations shed light on the unique challenges faced by game show hosts tasked with maintaining a professional and entertaining atmosphere while navigating the unpredictable behavior of intoxicated contestants. Despite these challenges, Carey remains an ardent enthusiast of the show, having hosted "The Price is Right" since 2007.

Behind the Plinko Madness: The Dizzying World of

Behind the Plinko Madness: The Dizzying World of "Price is Right" Contestants

His unwavering commitment to the game show stems from a deep-seated love for its essence. Carey sees the show as a beacon of joy and entertainment that brings laughter and excitement into the lives of its contestants and viewers alike.

"I want to die on stage with a microphone in my hand," Carey declared to Entertainment Tonight. "I think Bob [Barker] made a mistake by retiring. I'm not gonna make that same mistake. As long as my heart is ticking, and they want me to be on the show, I think I'm gonna do 'The Price is Right.' I just love it. I think I was made for it."

Carey's passion for the show is evident in every episode, and his infectious enthusiasm has made him a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.