Beloved French Bulldog Stolen at Gunpoint in Los Angeles

A distraught Los Angeles couple is pleading for the safe return of their beloved French Bulldog, Jennifer, who was stolen at gunpoint over the weekend. Mario Felix, the dog's owner, recounted the harrowing incident, expressing deep concern for his pet's well-being due to her special medical needs.

Beloved French Bulldog Stolen at Gunpoint in Los Angeles

Mario Felix and his wife were enjoying a leisurely evening walk with their French Bulldog, Jennifer, in their Montebello neighborhood on Sunday evening when tragedy struck. An armed thief approached them, demanding Felix's watch, wallet, phone, and the precious dog.

"I gave him what he wanted, except my dog," Felix shared in an interview with "Fox & Friends First." However, the relentless thief persisted, threatening Felix with the gun and forcing him to surrender his beloved pet.

Beloved French Bulldog Stolen at Gunpoint in Los Angeles

Recalling the traumatic experience, Felix expressed, "I just got really scared. I knew he had no problem pressing the trigger, so I had no choice but to stand back."

The couple's plea for Jennifer's safe return has resonated with the community. Montebello Police responded promptly to the incident, but the suspect had fled with the dog. Jennifer requires specialized food and medication, and her well-being is of utmost concern to Felix and his wife.

Beloved French Bulldog Stolen at Gunpoint in Los Angeles

"Right now we [are] just begging for our dog to come back," Felix implored. "It's just hard being without our baby. We need our dog back. She needs us too because she's not she's not well and we're just really pleading to the public to please return our dog."

Felix emphasized the deep bond between him, his wife, and Jennifer. "I know she's suffering right now as she needs us, but we need her even more," he said. "And it might sound selfish, but… We both need each other. She won't make it on her own and she will make it with new owners. There's just too much to learn."

The couple's neighborhood, once known for its safety, has been shaken by the incident. Neighbors expressed shock and sympathy, emphasizing that such crimes were unheard of in their community.

"It's just the world we live in now. It's just getting worse and worse," Felix lamented. "But we live in a good area. We live in a very fair area where nothing has happened. There is no crimes here. Our neighbors are really surprised… we have neighbors that have been here for past 15 years and never once has anything like this happened.  It's ugly. We didn't expect it."

Montebello Police continue their investigation, working diligently to locate Jennifer and apprehend the suspect responsible for the theft. Community members have rallied around Felix and his wife, offering support and prayers for the safe return of their beloved pet.

As the days turn into nights, the Felix family remains hopeful and determined to bring Jennifer home. They urge anyone with information or knowledge of her whereabouts to contact the authorities immediately.