Biden Admin Under Fire for Ignoring Anti-Israel Protests on Campuses

Fox News host Jesse Watters slams President Biden and FBI Director Chris Wray for their handling of anti-Israel protests occurring on campuses across the United States.

Biden Admin Under Fire for Ignoring Anti-Israel Protests on Campuses

Fox News host Jesse Watters has sharply criticized the Biden administration and FBI Director Christopher Wray for their perceived inaction in addressing anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country. On "Jesse Watters Primetime," Watters expressed outrage over the unchecked spread of radicalism and anti-Semitism on campuses, questioning the competence and priorities of law enforcement.

Watters pointed to recent incidents where protesters chanted "Death to America" and engaged in aggressive behavior, yet the FBI claimed no such individuals were being monitored. He raised concerns about the potential for foreign influence in these protests, fueled by the Biden administration's relaxed border policies.

"Did any of these protesters sneak across the southern border? All this radical jihad from risky countries just... Biden let's [them] walk right in," Watters stated. "They lose track of them and did they find their way to Arab spring break? Kind of a coincidence if you ask me, that Arab spring break just happened to blow up after Biden opened the border to the Muslim world and beyond."

Watters criticized the lack of scrutiny on individuals attending these protests, questioning whether law enforcement was "checking IDs" or if such actions were deemed "racist." He also expressed frustration over the lack of investigation into the funding sources behind the movement, while law enforcement resources were directed toward other pursuits.

"BLM got away with this for three months because no one held them accountable. Same things happening here. You got to stop it before it spreads. Pretend it's like COVID, stop the spread," Watters urged.

Watters' comments come amid growing concerns about rising anti-Semitism on college campuses. Several incidents have been reported in recent months, including disruptions of pro-Israel events, hateful rhetoric, and physical confrontations. Critics argue that the Biden administration and university officials have not done enough to address these issues, enabling the spread of dangerous ideologies.

The Biden administration has condemned anti-Semitism in the past, but critics contend that these statements have not been accompanied by meaningful action. They argue that the administration's focus on other priorities, such as the pandemic and economic recovery, has allowed anti-Semitism to flourish.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether the Biden administration will take a more proactive approach to addressing anti-Israel protests and anti-Semitism on college campuses.