Biden Administration Approves Smallest Offshore Drilling Program in US History

The Biden administration has implemented a draconian federal offshore oil and gas leasing program that inhibits progress, leaving only three lease sales planned over the next five years in the Gulf of Mexico.

Biden Administration Approves Smallest Offshore Drilling Program in US History

The Biden administration has waged a relentless war on American energy, skyrocketing costs and crushing consumers and producers alike with burdensome regulations. It is critical that Congress prioritize the passage of bipartisan legislation to unleash our nation's offshore energy resources.

Biden Administration Approves Smallest Offshore Drilling Program in US History

Offshore energy development in the Gulf of Mexico is essential to our nation's all-of-the-above energy strategy, offering immense economic, national security, and environmental advantages. From powering businesses and communities to providing lower-carbon oil and gas production, offshore energy plays a pivotal role in both our economic strength and our national security.

Yet, President Biden has implemented a draconian federal offshore oil and gas leasing program that inhibits this progress. According to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the U.S. Department of the Interior only plans to hold three lease sales over the next five years in the Gulf of Mexico. This represents the lowest number of auctions in the history of the program, as there have been at least 11 lease sales in every five-year plan since 1992.

Biden Administration Approves Smallest Offshore Drilling Program in US History

The lack of offshore lease sales puts critical opportunities for investment and production at considerable risk. Not to mention the competitive advantage it gives to other countries that do not have these same restrictions.

The Biden administration's hostility towards domestic energy production extends well beyond the offshore sector. The U.S. Department of Energy's decision to ban new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export permits puts the United States at a competitive disadvantage in terms of energy production, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, and national security. This decision is especially baffling as natural gas plants release much lower levels of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter than coal plants.

Biden Administration Approves Smallest Offshore Drilling Program in US History

Deterring LNG production only places additional need for the world to rely on foreign adversaries, particularly Russia and China, for fuel. China continues to build coal plants, without a second thought about the emissions they are producing, and Russian supplies of natural gas remain unreliable with the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Last fall, the Department of Commerce sided with activist organizations over American energy producers through a voluntary agreement that removes millions of highly prospective acres in the Gulf of Mexico and imposes excessive restrictions on vessels for supposed "mitigation efforts" to conserve Rice's whales. Not surprisingly, the agreement sidestepped legal processes, disregarded scientific considerations, and neglected public input.

Biden Administration Approves Smallest Offshore Drilling Program in US History

For decades, America's energy producers have worked diligently to successfully improve efficiency, productivity, and safety while lowering emissions. In fact, U.S. carbon intensity is 46% lower than the global average. The energy sector's successful efforts to lower emissions are conveniently ignored by the White House.

Biden's out-of-touch climate agenda not only undermines the tireless efforts of America's energy workers but also benefits our global competitors like Russia, Iran, and China. Just a few years ago, we were energy dominant. Now, we are heavily reliant on other countries for our energy, resulting in higher prices and fewer American jobs.

Considering the poor decisions of the Biden administration, Congress needs to mandate offshore oil and gas lease sales at regular intervals and provide the litigation reform necessary to prevent disruption of oil and gas projects through meritless litigation from activists.

The benefits of offshore energy development extend far beyond economic prosperity. A robust offshore energy sector is essential for enhancing our national security, reducing reliance on foreign sources of energy, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. By leveraging our abundant offshore resources, we can strengthen our economy, reduce emissions, and transition to a more secure energy future.

Pursuing American offshore energy is not just a matter of policy, but a moral imperative to safeguard our nation and ensure we have clean air and water for future generations.

Instead of prioritizing climate activists and implementing burdensome government regulations, Biden should collaborate with Congress to make smart environmental choices while encouraging domestic energy production.

Now is the time to advance legislation that safeguards our environment, enhances our energy security, and promotes economic growth. Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient energy sector and unleash America's offshore energy potential, now and for generations to come.