Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

The half-sister of Rachel Morin, the Maryland mom slain in 2023, accuses the Biden administration of "having blood on its hands" after the murder suspect, Victor Martinez Hernandez, was revealed to have crossed the border illegally despite having a murder warrant in his home country.

The family of Rachel Morin, the Maryland mom brutally slain in 2023, is holding the Biden administration accountable for a tragedy they believe could have been prevented. Victor Martinez Hernandez, the illegal immigrant charged with the murder, had previously crossed the border illegally despite having a murder warrant issued against him in El Salvador.

The family, through their attorney Randolph Rice, expressed their emotional distress at seeing Hernandez appear via video link during his first court appearance. Judge Kerwin Miller ordered Hernandez held without bail, citing his dangerousness and flight risk.

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

Court documents revealed that Hernandez hid with relatives in Maryland during the nationwide manhunt that ended with his arrest in Oklahoma. His relatives claimed he resided with them from December 2023 to May 2024 before vanishing.

Rachel Morin's mother, Patty Morin, expressed shock that Hernandez remained in Maryland. "That's really brazen to stay in the state where he committed the crime," she stated to Fox News Digital. "It amazes me."

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

The police investigation, which spanned multiple cities and countries, linked Hernandez to other crimes, including a home invasion and assault in Los Angeles. DNA evidence from these incidents matched samples collected at the Morin crime scene.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler condemned Hernandez's actions, stating, "Victor Hernandez did not come to this country to make a better life for him or his family, he came here to escape the crimes he committed in El Salvador. He came here to murder Rachel and God willing, no one else."

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

The Morin family fears that Hernandez may have harmed others during his extended stay in the United States. Erin Morin Layman, Rachel Morin's half-sister, accused the Biden administration of having "blood on its hands."

"We're furious," she said. "We hold the Biden administration accountable for what happened to Rachel. They have blood on their hands."

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

The Biden administration has faced criticism for its handling of the immigration crisis at the southern border. Opponents argue that the lax border security measures have allowed criminals to enter the country.

As the case against Martinez Hernandez proceeds, the Morin family seeks justice for Rachel and accountability for those they believe failed to protect her.

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death

Biden Administration Blamed for Slain Maryland Mom's Death