Biden Administration Expresses Concern over Safety of U.S.-Supplied Weapons in Gaza

The State Department has paused weapons shipments to Israel due to concerns about civilian casualties in the ongoing conflict with Hamas. The move comes after a report commissioned by President Biden found that Israel's use of U.S.-supplied weapons may be "inconsistent" with international humanitarian law.

Biden Administration Expresses Concern over Safety of U.S.-Supplied Weapons in Gaza

The Biden administration has expressed concerns about Israel's use of U.S.-supplied weapons in the ongoing conflict with Hamas, prompting it to pause weapons shipments to the country. The decision was announced on Friday after a report commissioned by President Biden found that Israel may have violated international humanitarian law in its use of these weapons, resulting in excessive civilian casualties.

The report, which was obtained by Fox News Digital, acknowledges the "extraordinary military challenge" Israel faces in confronting Hamas, which has embedded itself within and underneath the civilian population in Gaza. However, it also highlights concerns raised by the United Nations, humanitarian organizations, and international humanitarian law experts about Israel's efforts to mitigate civilian harm, which have been described as "inconsistent, ineffective, and inadequate."

Biden Administration Expresses Concern over Safety of U.S.-Supplied Weapons in Gaza

The report states that "nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict, including many women and children," and that "the nature of the conflict in Gaza makes it difficult to assess or reach conclusive findings on individual incidents." However, it emphasizes that Israel has the capability, experience, and tools to minimize civilian casualties, but the results on the ground indicate that these measures may not be being used effectively in all cases.

Despite these concerns, the State Department has said that it found Israel's assurances that it had followed international law in the use of U.S. weapons "credible and reliable." It will therefore continue to supply arms to Israel, but the decision to pause shipments is a clear indication of the administration's dissatisfaction with Israel's handling of the conflict.

Biden Administration Expresses Concern over Safety of U.S.-Supplied Weapons in Gaza

The report also highlights the difficulties faced by the U.S. in monitoring the use of its weapons in conflict zones, particularly in complex and dangerous environments like Gaza. The administration has called on Israel to conduct thorough investigations into any allegations of civilian casualties and to ensure that its military operations adhere to international humanitarian law.

The ceasefire negotiations currently taking place in Cairo offer a potential opportunity to address these concerns and find a lasting solution to the conflict. However, the situation remains volatile, and it is unclear whether a durable peace can be achieved. The suspension of weapons shipments by the Biden administration is a significant development that underscores the growing international pressure on Israel to meet its obligations under international humanitarian law.

Biden Administration Expresses Concern over Safety of U.S.-Supplied Weapons in Gaza