Biden Administration's Lack of Empathy Confounded Grieving Mother

Patty Morin, whose daughter Rachel was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant, expresses outrage over the Biden administration's impersonal response to her loss and Secretary Mayorkas' failure to acknowledge her daughter by name.

Patty Morin, the grieving mother of Rachel Morin, a woman allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant, has voiced her profound disappointment with the Biden administration's callous and impersonal response to her daughter's tragic murder. Morin's outrage stems from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' inability to utter her daughter's name during an interview on CNN, a glaring omission that she interprets as a blatant disregard for the humanity of her lost loved one.

In a heart-wrenching appearance on "The Ingraham Angle," Patty Morin denounced Mayorkas' response as a "completely political statement," lamenting that he was "not even willing to acknowledge that (Rachel) was a female, that she was a mother (and) a daughter." Morin's anguish is palpable as she decries the administration's attempt to reduce her daughter's life to a mere statistic, devoid of the dignity and individuality she possessed.

Biden Administration's Lack of Empathy Confounded Grieving Mother

Biden Administration's Lack of Empathy Confounded Grieving Mother

Morin's message to the Biden administration is one of frustration and sorrow. She emphasizes that the victims of criminal migrants are American citizens, the backbone of the nation. Their lives have value, she asserts, and they deserve to be treated with respect and compassion, not dismissed as disposable objects. The administration's failure to acknowledge the humanity of her daughter and other victims exposes their indifference towards the suffering of American families torn apart by such senseless tragedies.

Morin's pain is compounded by the knowledge that her daughter has become a political pawn in the administration's agenda. She yearns for Rachel to be remembered as the vibrant individual she was, not as a political talking point. Morin's family is shattered by her loss, and their grief is compounded by the lack of empathy and understanding they have received from the authorities.

Biden Administration's Lack of Empathy Confounded Grieving Mother

Biden Administration's Lack of Empathy Confounded Grieving Mother

The White House has extended condolences to the Morin family, yet their words ring hollow in light of their refusal to address the broader issue of border security and the administration's failure to secure the nation's borders. The victims of illegal immigration, like Rachel Morin, are being sacrificed at the altar of political expediency.

Former President Trump has expressed his sympathies to Patty Morin, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the darkness. Morin's attorney has praised Trump's compassion and concern, highlighting the stark contrast between the administration's callous indifference and the genuine empathy shown by the former president.

Biden Administration's Lack of Empathy Confounded Grieving Mother

Biden Administration's Lack of Empathy Confounded Grieving Mother

The Biden administration's lack of empathy and their failure to value the lives of American citizens are inexcusable. The families of victims like Rachel Morin deserve better than a dismissive response and empty condolences. They deserve justice, security, and a government that recognizes the sanctity of human life.