Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Former President Trump and Republican lawmakers are condemning the Biden administration's recent cuts to Medicare Advantage, arguing that they will harm seniors and jeopardize the program's solvency.

Chaos erupted on the debate stage in South Carolina as Sen. Bernie Sanders faced challenges over the cost of his Medicare-for-all plan. Fox Business host Charles Payne reacted to the heated exchange.

Medicare benefits have emerged as a hot topic in the election, with President Biden facing criticism from senior voters after slashing Medicare Advantage benefits ahead of the election.

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

"I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, which Joe Biden is destroying by letting millions of people come into our country. He’s destroying Medicare and Social Security," Trump said during a rally in Philadelphia, setting the stage for ongoing attacks against his 2024 competitor.

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are private health insurance plans that contract with Medicare, and are used by more than 33 million Americans. The program mostly enrolls adults over the age of 65, but also offers benefits to people of all ages with disabilities.

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

The Biden administration in April finalized plans to cut MA benefits, which experts said could lead to an additional $33 a month for out-of-pocket costs, or $396 a year, for enrollees. Critics of the cuts said they would be especially devastating to seniors living on fixed incomes who are already coping with ongoing inflation issues.

Former Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, a Republican from New York, said the cuts could prove devastating for the Biden administration, as the 46th president hits this election cycle’s fever pitch.

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

"By letting far-left socialists control his policy agenda, Biden made a huge blunder that will jeopardize his support from the 33 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans who will see their premiums go up, co-pays increase, and benefits decline before November," said Buerkle.

Buerkle said the Biden administration’s cuts this year "actively sabotage MA," likely in a backdoor attempt to promote a government-focused system, such as "Medicare-for-all."

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

The Biden administration pushed back against criticism, claiming that "any claim that this Administration is cutting Medicare is categorically false" and "disinformation." The White House stated that payments to Medicare Advantage plans are expected to increase by 3.7% next year, which it said does not constitute a cut.

However, Republican lawmakers continue to criticize the cuts, arguing that they will harm seniors and undermine the solvency of Medicare.

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

"America’s seniors are among the most vulnerable people in our society. Most live on a fixed income – Biden’s inflation has been a baked-in tax to everything they purchase. Now, he’s raising the price of the advantage plan – a plan that millions of seniors rely on," said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

With the election approaching, the debate over Medicare Advantage cuts is expected to intensify, as both parties seek to appeal to senior voters.

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism

Biden Administration's Medicare Advantage Cuts Draw Republican Criticism