Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and former Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan accuse the Biden administration and Democrats of deliberately blocking effective border security measures, despite the ongoing immigration crisis. Homan claims that Democrats prevented stronger legislation from being passed, while Abbott faults President Biden for leaving the border unsecured until after millions of illegal entries.

For over three and a half years, the Biden administration has claimed the southern border was secure, with Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas even lying under oath about it. However, it took them that long to implement any meaningful measures to address the border crisis, which has seen historic levels of illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

In reality, it was Democrats and the White House who prevented the passage of stronger border security legislation, known as HR2, which would have implemented policies proven successful in securing the border during the Trump administration.

HR2 contained policies like the "Remain in Mexico" program, which had drastically reduced illegal immigration. Despite its effectiveness, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer refused to allow HR2 to be debated on the Senate floor.

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

The Senate plan that was eventually proposed was a weak compromise that would have allowed up to 1.8 million illegal entries before enforcement measures could be implemented - a ridiculous threshold that would have incentivized more illegal immigration and deaths among migrants.

It also failed to address child trafficking, family units streaming across the border, and the detention of those claiming fear, which could still lead to catch-and-release and an unsecured border.

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

The Senate bill was supported by some Republicans at first, believing it was better than nothing amid the ongoing crisis. However, it was a flawed compromise that would have codified a high level of illegal entries as acceptable.

The Biden administration's failure to address the border crisis was purely political. They waited until an election year to attempt to tackle the issue, with a weak bill that was designed to shift blame to Republicans and former President Trump.

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

Biden and Democrats Obstructed Real Border Security Legislation

Trump and Republicans prevented a greater tragedy from being codified in law. HR2 would have secured the border effectively, while the Senate bill would have exacerbated the crisis.

The Biden administration and Democrats cannot hide from the facts indefinitely. They have created a historic national security vulnerability and insulted taxpayers' intelligence with their lies about the border. The truth is that they have obstructed real border security measures, leaving the country vulnerable.