Biden and Harris Snub Netanyahu, Signaling 'No Leadership in America'

Former Trump official Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone criticized the Biden administration for snubbing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying it reflects a lack of leadership.

Former Trump administration official Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone has condemned the Biden administration for snubbing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, describing it as a sign of "no leadership in America."

Lightstone, who served in the Trump administration, joined "Fox & Friends First" to express his outrage over the incident, which saw Vice President Kamala Harris skip Netanyahu's congressional address.

Biden and Harris Snub Netanyahu, Signaling 'No Leadership in America'

Biden and Harris Snub Netanyahu, Signaling 'No Leadership in America'

"This is a disgrace," Lightstone said. "It shows that there is no leadership in America anymore. We have a president who is weak and indecisive, and a vice president who is more interested in playing politics than in protecting our allies."

Lightstone's comments come amid mounting criticism of the Biden administration's handling of the situation. Netanyahu had specifically requested to meet with President Biden, but the meeting was reportedly canceled at the behest of Harris.

Biden and Harris Snub Netanyahu, Signaling 'No Leadership in America'

Biden and Harris Snub Netanyahu, Signaling 'No Leadership in America'

"This is not just a snub to Netanyahu," Lightstone argued. "It is a snub to Israel, our most important ally in the Middle East. It shows that the Biden administration is more interested in appeasing the far-left wing of the Democratic Party than in standing up for our friends."

The planned meeting between Netanyahu and Biden was expected to focus on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The conflict, which has already claimed the lives of hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians, has been exacerbated by the recent terrorist attacks in Israel.

Lightstone expressed concern that the Biden administration's failure to support Israel could have serious consequences.

"If we do not stand up to Hamas, they will only become stronger and more emboldened," he said. "This will lead to more violence and bloodshed, not only in Israel, but throughout the region."

Lightstone also criticized the Biden administration's handling of the Abraham Accords, a historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The agreement, which was brokered by the Trump administration, has been hailed as a major diplomatic achievement.

"The Biden administration has done nothing to build on the success of the Abraham Accords," Lightstone said. "They have not taken any steps to normalize relations with other Arab countries. This is a missed opportunity, and it is a sign that the Biden administration is not committed to peace in the Middle East."

Lightstone's comments reflect the growing dissatisfaction among pro-Israel groups with the Biden administration's policies. These groups believe that the Biden administration is not sufficiently supportive of Israel, and that its policies are endangering the security of the Jewish state.

The Biden administration has defended its handling of the situation, arguing that it is committed to Israel's security and that it is working to de-escalate the conflict between Israel and Hamas. However, critics argue that the Biden administration's actions do not match its rhetoric.

The snubbing of Netanyahu is just the latest in a series of incidents that have raised concerns about the Biden administration's commitment to Israel. These incidents have led to a growing sense of unease among pro-Israel groups, who fear that the Biden administration is abandoning America's traditional support for the Jewish state.