Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

President Biden and former President Donald Trump clashed over abortion rights during Thursday's debate, with independent voters expressing strong disapproval of Biden's position on late-term abortion.

President Biden and former President Donald Trump engaged in a heated exchange over abortion rights during Thursday's presidential debate, with independent voters largely siding with Trump on the issue.

Biden, who supports Roe v. Wade, stated that he believes in "three trimesters" of pregnancy, with decisions about abortion during the first trimester belonging solely to the woman and her doctor, the second trimester involving the doctor and the woman in "extreme" situations, and the third trimester involving the doctor and the state.

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

"The idea that the politicians, that the founders wanted the politicians to be the ones making decisions about a woman's health is ridiculous," Biden argued.

However, independent voters in the Fox News Digital focus group expressed disapproval of Biden's stance, with approval ratings hovering around 30% or lower.

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

Trump, on the other hand, accused Biden of supporting "late-term abortion" and "ripping the baby out of the womb in the ninth month."

"Nobody wants that to happen," Trump emphasized.

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

Independent voters' approval of Trump's comments soared to over 75%.

Biden countered by denying Trump's claim, stating that "late-term" abortions are only allowed when the woman's life is in danger. However, independent voter approval of Biden's remarks declined as he continued to speak.

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

Biden and Trump Spar Over Abortion Rights, Independent Voters React Negatively to Biden's Stance

Trump reiterated his opposition to late-term abortions, arguing that Roe v. Wade allows states to legalize such procedures.

"We don't think that's a good thing. We think it's a radical thing," Trump said.

Biden defended Roe v. Wade, stating that it had been the law for 51 years and had only been overturned due to conservative appointments to the Supreme Court by Trump.

"He takes credit for taking it away," Biden said.

Independent voter approval of Biden's remarks dropped significantly after this statement.

Biden also raised concerns about the possibility of a nationwide ban on abortion if Republicans regain control of Congress.

"Is he going to sign that bill? I'll veto it. He'll sign it," Biden said.

Trump stated that he "will not block" abortion pills or medication should he be elected.

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, leaving states with the authority to regulate abortion.