Biden Breaks Promise: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Care

President Biden's administration has finalized cuts to the popular Medicare Advantage program, costing seniors an extra $33 per month despite his previous pledge to protect Medicare benefits for the elderly.

Biden Breaks Promise: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Care

Despite warnings from both Republicans and Democrats, the Biden administration's Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has finalized cuts to the popular and effective Medicare Advantage (MA) program. MA is a public-private partnership that allows health insurance providers to deliver affordable and comprehensive medical coverage to Americans over 65 and individuals with disabilities.

By trimming access to MA, Biden is breaking a core campaign promise to never slash benefits for seniors – something he has regularly repeated for three years. The change of heart will cost seniors an extra $33 per month.

Biden Breaks Promise: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Care

MA is a popular program, with over 31 million Americans enrolled, making up over half of the total Medicare population. It outperforms traditional Medicare in 16 out of 16 clinical measures, making it an ideal choice for those who want control over their health care.

MA plans provide the same benefits as traditional Medicare for just 83 cents on the dollar, making the program a good deal for taxpayers, too.

Biden Breaks Promise: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Care

Biden and his allies want to cut MA in favor of more government-run, fee-for-service "Medicare-for-all" – which would mean fewer options for physicians and coverage, like vision and hearing.

The modern Left in America favors anything that promotes private sector innovation over public sector dependence. Biden's administration is willing to reduce seniors' access to affordable and flexible healthcare in favor of expanded government control.

Biden Breaks Promise: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Care

In 2013, President Barack Obama famously promised, "If you like your insurance, you can keep it." However, after the chaotic rollout of the program, costs skyrocketed—and Americans, in fact, could not keep their insurance nor their doctors.

Despite the lessons learned from Obama's broken promise, President Biden is attempting a similar health care bait-and-switch by promising seniors better care while cutting MA.

Biden Breaks Promise: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Care

Conservatives have warned against cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. While Biden and the far Left accuse conservatives of targeting these programs, the cut to MA is the real threat to American seniors' health care.

In true Biden fashion, he's breaking his promise to the American people while pointing fingers at Republicans.

Biden Breaks Promise: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Care

This November, voters should be wary of promises of health care "reform" from the Left. Biden's administration has already broken its promise to protect seniors' healthcare.

If you liked your Medicare Advantage, Biden may take it.