Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating "Scripted" Interviews, Violating Journalistic Ethics

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, a Philadelphia-based radio host, revealed that the Biden campaign had provided her with questions ahead of her interview with the president, sparking concerns about the legitimacy and transparency of Biden's recent media appearances.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, a radio host for Philadelphia-based WURD, ignited controversy when she revealed on CNN that the Biden campaign had sent her a list of questions prior to her interview with President Biden. This disclosure raised eyebrows and raised questions about the authenticity and independence of Biden's recent media appearances.

The incident has far-reaching implications for journalistic ethics, with many questioning the Biden campaign's motives and whether it constitutes an attempt to control the narrative and limit unscripted responses. It also casts doubt on the credibility of Biden's performance in these interviews, which were widely seen as an opportunity for him to address concerns about his mental sharpness following his disastrous debate performance.

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating "Scripted" Interviews, Violating Journalistic Ethics

Lawful-Sanders admitted to approving four of the eight questions provided by the Biden campaign and using them in her interview with the president. These questions centered on Biden's accomplishments, his debate performance, his progress in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the stakes of the election, and his message to voters considering not voting.

WURD, the Black-owned radio station where Lawful-Sanders hosted her show, has since announced that she will be leaving the station, citing the violation of its practice of maintaining independence and accountability to its listeners. The station's president emphasized that agreeing to pre-approved questions jeopardizes the trust its audience has placed in WURD for over 20 years.

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating "Scripted" Interviews, Violating Journalistic Ethics

Lawful-Sanders' departure comes on the heels of a similar admission by Earl Ingram, another local radio host who interviewed Biden. Ingram confirmed that he received five questions from the Biden team ahead of their interview and was unable to cover all of them before the interview ended.

CNN's Brian Stelter, upon listening to both interviews, observed that the questions posed to Biden were "essentially the same." This consistency has raised suspicions that the Biden campaign was coordinating these interviews to present a controlled and pre-packaged version of the president.

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating "Scripted" Interviews, Violating Journalistic Ethics

The Biden campaign, through spokesperson Lauren Hitt, defended the practice of sharing topics with interviewees, arguing that it is a common practice and that the questions sent to Lawful-Sanders were relevant to current events. Hitt emphasized that hosts are free to choose which questions they ask.

Despite Hitt's explanation, the incident has sparked a debate about the role of the media in scrutinizing political figures and holding them accountable. By providing pre-selected questions, the Biden campaign may have sought to limit the scope of the interviews and prevent Biden from being asked more challenging questions.

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating

Biden Campaign Accused of Orchestrating "Scripted" Interviews, Violating Journalistic Ethics

The affair has also highlighted the erosion of trust in the mainstream media, as evidenced by WURD's statement that mainstream media organizations should engage in self-reflection and examine their role in losing the trust of Americans, particularly Black Americans.

Overall, the controversy surrounding the Biden campaign's alleged orchestration of "scripted" interviews raises serious concerns about the integrity and independence of the media, as well as the transparency and accountability of political figures. It is crucial for the public to be aware of such practices and demand greater journalistic integrity and transparency in the future.